done before....
I declare the grammar mistakes in this article to be enormous.
[] Maybe?
No idea, only got my Instax camera recently and I thought Instant film generally were at risk with Xrays.
Ah right I thought Instax did have problems! When I went to Mongolia a few years back I did ask about taking photos but no one seemed to mind. I still do it as a matter of courtesy.
This has inspired me to take my Fujifilm Instax with me next time I go travelling, even thought the problem with Xrays and the film used!
Thought I'd put this out there.
Agree with the Fendor bit. However, it doesn't seem they are mass producing these for sale. Seems they are being donated to first responders.
Well there's the second series of Idiot Abroad I guess is out soon.
You say this but I know a lot of people who are anti drugs but would happily consume copious amounts of alcohol. I know from having long chats with them that a key factor in being anti-weed but fine with alcohol is that one is illegal. So I would imagine there'd be more people doing weed if legal. Also, some people…
I'm going to reply to you (sorry) so ginop.unsalan doesn't get approved. But I'm going to leave this here as he/she is probably lingering for a response. Giggity did not use PhD to justify his/her point of view. He/she used it to explain his/her age. Now please think more carefully if you'd like to comment on Gizmodo.…
I mean it for anyone who justifies their non bias-ness by saying that they own/have owned competing products. I think I have done this in the past. Heck, when I was young and foolish I was a blatant Sony (mainly PlayStation) fanboy who also had something against Apple. However, one day I thought, why am I standing for…
Probably cost cutting, not essential to page views. Basically, as much as we hate it trade shows no longer attract people to comment/read. If you report on controversy or about the big thing that everyone is talking about usually from one company (OK, we all know I'm talking about Apple) you'll attract the regulars,…
I'm not racist against_______, I know plenty of _____ people
Just noticed how the headline changes when you click through. Very cheeky. I wonder if any other films being ported to Blu-Ray will now follow suit...
Mine is now over 32GB. I was using the 4GB as a figure as that was the size of the MP3 player back in the day.
This HP debarcle still confuses me. Is this some sorta New Coke marketing scheme? Are they waiting for a public outcry to bring back HP printers and PCs. It just doesn't make sense!