Wow! I'm not sure whether to be more amazed by the pictures or by the fact i managed to "hack" my vision to view these
Wow! I'm not sure whether to be more amazed by the pictures or by the fact i managed to "hack" my vision to view these
@RacecarBoobTat: I used to put a couple of contacts called AAAAA with no number linked to them to prevent this from happening on my 8310 after I texted my brother (who was top of my list alphabetically) a blank text 30 times.
@MrFluffyThing: Ah right. But still a man can hope.
@cmdrfire: same here. I remember being at Legoland and when a concorde was flying overhead, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked up.
Apologies for commenting twice but found this and had to share it. An old BA advert/tribute to concorde for the 27th anniversary of service
I remember seeing Concorde landing and taking off at Heathrow during its final days when I was 13. I remember shedding a tear when it's final flight was broadcast live on TV.
Pound coins for eyes? It was bound to be nicked. I never knew that the £ had devalued so much that we started using them as toys.
@Mrrix32: iPlayer does work on a ridiculous ammount of devices [] (if this works outside the UK) I reckon android support is inevitable.
I'm with all other Brits in the comments. I feel that it would be nice to get access to Hulu. However, with Murdoch's Sky having a major monopoly on loads of Hulu stuff I don't see it happening.
@GCWB: You're Syc....amore
@KryptonZero: If its good enough you'll get it. It is the same for us Brits. we usually get shows here majorly late. I mean the new Futurama series (the one after the films) hasn't even started here yet.
@EBone: even uf it was the best thing since sliced bread?
The preview video seems to not match up. here's a screenshot. []
Having seen loads of white balloons being released at the unveiling of a peace memorial in honour of John Lennon in Liverpool on Saturday. Maybe the balloons have crossed the atlantic.
@hazamajaza: @Daniel Matthew Donithan: @EvanSei rides an emu to school: Regardless. 3.14 in a mirror is PIE
I don't reckon when it was built they had the safety barriers next to it. Otherwise, I like it.
I can't wait until 3D printers are cheap enough so we can "print" lego. I really feel in the mood for some lego now!