
I'm no paedohile, but I play one on TV's Mighty Morphin Vice Power Squad: Energy Blast; she is definitely being objectified as a baby Latina cowgirl who is shyly coquettish about her new boobs. And it's 'edgy' ... sigh. Imagine if they did an equivalent reel for - shudder - Bieber. Of course, they'd never do it for a

I got a taste of what it could be to be a celebrity - I mean, a tiny, miniscule taste. I was living in Sichuan, China - as a white person I followed everywhere by children, gawped at and photo-opped by strangers. Well, it was all friendly, but it got immensely irritating. Imagine it scaled up to a celebrity level. No

I kind of wish I lived in my parent's basement, at least for a couple of months a year. Might be a nice catharsis, kind of like seeking hermitage in the mountains, but without the effort or nuisances. My parents don't have a basement though. Is there any way I can make this work?

Leave Machiavelli out of this!

Depends on whether the swatting victim is white. :(

I speculate ... and it's an assumption about a very private thing, but ... eh. He sounds like someone with a mental condition that's descending into bi-polar or bi-polar 2. Or just depression. I am not a doctor, but I do play one on the 'internet'.

"animal loving" Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, HEY! Leave the animal luv outta this. But yeah, the rest could be right.

Why stop at a scare-umentary? They should play an interactive virtual reality headset slasher called Pro-Life Warrior - Oklahoma!

Just imagine how many more people lost. There oughtta be 500 prizes of $1m each. <debbie downer, I know>

Ure going to miss ure stop, dumbasses!

Our Lady Of Fiery Farts.

Is there a 'potential bf' version?

Turn based combat is God's gift to RPGs. Every time a game is released with turn based combat, a baby learns to fly.

Feminism has been high-jacked by domestic terrorists? Now I know you're pulling my leg. I mean, I hope. I would honestly like an example; hit me with your best shot! :)

I think she was a strong influence on the character Desire in Neil Gaiman's Sandman comics - if that makes any sense to you!

Feminism is the concept that men and women should be treated equally. It's not there to chop of your penis. Women exist. So telling them to 'go back to Jezebel' is folly at best. I'm not sure what you can pull out of your ass in response to that, but I can guess it will be disappointing.

-eh, not worth wrangling anymore - each to their own!-

I stayed in a hotel with those pictures in - last year! It was awesome.

Oh golly, I shouldn't read these things, as a fan of his music. Folks trot out the 'not shocking anymore', 'not important anymore', 'just like Alice Cooper' and 'he looks old'. New album is good - try it and I'll give you a popsicle!

I have no idea what people mean when they say 'relevant'. Does something have to be relevant to be worthwhile? Or does it mean popular or important? Or >1 year ago? It seems to be one of those things. It makes my teeth squeal every time I hear it in this context!