YeahMaybe, it could be detritus

Ok, I’m gross and lick my fingers, but you have to wash both before and after. Can’t inflict that gross on other people, it’s just wrong.

You know they want to make the bag pink or pastel so we know it’s for us, too.

I scoop the bits out with a premoistened finger like a savory fun dip. I am obviously a man, I guess. Passport to the contrary be damned, Doritos has spoken.

Wood and Newton, and Sarafyan to an extent too, are so underrated.

I think it’s called Parkour now, Parker.

I read portions of Strauss’ The Game in Uni so I could pick out the grossters. It was really popular at the gi,r (around the uptick of frat boy humor ala T Max)..

To riff on one of your questions, I noticed in one of the few female gaze moments in film, Kyle Rens shirtless scene in TLJ, men immediately jumped to make for of him. To make fun of that scene.

It’s hard even to trust someone enough to share, that was really brave of you. As trite as it is, hope your day looks up from here. Hugs if you want them.

And I assume he’s significantly more threatening than 90 lbs of actress. Being an ex football player in phenomenal shape and over 6’.

That was my take too.

I thought the point was flipping the gender norms on their head, and showing that women have th same lustful experiences men do. Gina is all id, all impulse, no control. She demolishes th idea that women are chaste and quiet. She’s kind of like a ‘cool girl’ but she’s also a broken step. Everyone works around her

So... if you get pregnant before what, 25, you aren’t allowed to be happy about it?

I always figured she had body dysmorphia, and the pregnancy made it worse.

It was really well written.

A woman’s physical attractiveness wanes, but a mans grows?

Lol. Well, Bleach is the the little death that brings total obliteration. Which is to say it’s an incredibly powerful oxidizer, and wins over ‘stainless’ :) although it fucks it up, doesn’t really... stain it you know?

Lol, copy and paste and let the grammar nazis and journalists in training do their work =) or screen shot, but you might have to paint over the identifying bits.

No, it’s not. I feel some solidarity with you because we both have bad things in our past, but I persevere because when we speak I see someone who cares, and who sometimes despite good intentions, like all of us, gets it wrong.

Don’t use bleach to clean stainless steel(it oxidizes it), and this little man is genius.

I second the pet sitter/walker comment.