"The best camera is the one you have with you"
My answer is my Smartphone even though I do own a Nikon... It's too big to have handy at all times.
"The best camera is the one you have with you"
My answer is my Smartphone even though I do own a Nikon... It's too big to have handy at all times.
I'd take a good day of work with people I like over uncertainty any day but it wouldn't hurt to toss a few resume's around the new city just in case there's a killer position that feels right for you.
Because the more they buy, the easier it will be to buy one second hand.
I started listening... And then I went to turn it off... But I'm still listening...
So I guess that makes it 1992-93... Gimme a break I was still an infant.
My Mom had a couple computers at home when I was born so I've always had them but the first one I remember was the Windows 3.1 setup we had... HOURS on this game.
Shower, brush teeth, get dressed, leave. 10-15 minutes.
If I showered the night before it takes 5.
This is great timing, I've been trying to come up with a reason to start saving more of my pay and I think you just gave me one.
Am I the only one who followed this link only to stumble upon this video? I can't stop laughing.. "Pretty sure that's a lambo, dude"
nooo way. It's my chance to get out of the office and clear my head. Unless there's a lot of work to be done I really try to relax as much as possible.
The quick answer is no, the long answer is HELL NO. I use iTunes on my windows PC cuz I'm lazy, have a fast PC and a couple iPhones. But every time I open it I consider new software but never do because then I would have to put in some effort and there's a chance i might lose something. Don't get me wrong, it does…
My excuse is that I still have an iDevice AND I'm scared of change.
Steak sauce was made for eggs
would be sweet to modify it as a Jetski trailer... Back it up into the water, lift the fish head/top half of the body and then drive the jetski right out.
Normally I'm pretty far out to the left but I don't mind being in Extroverted situations once or twice a month as long as it's not a place filled with morons (The music festivals my friends attend)
Send em a Tesla and maybe they'll come help us with our Battery tech problems.
I want to do this so bad, reminds me of the winter driving school I used to work at... BUT YOU GET TO RACE!
What if you use a product just because it works and is easy? I have 2 iPhones but rarely talk about it solely because I believe people will group me with the other Apple fanboys who swear that iOS is the only way to go.... Truth be told I wish the Ubuntu Edge would drop so I can get a phone that's actually worth…
Never driven a car newer than a 2004. So anything invented after that is probably not needed for me... lol
What about when it snows? I know most of the autonomous cars use cameras to stay on the road so when it snows I don't get what they're expecting to happen.