
But bruh. Protesting makes white people uncomfortable. And making white people uncomfortable is reverse-racism and far worse than any racism black people have experienced.

Prescott called protesting racial injustice, “controversy”

We talking about the chip or Trump’s babydick?

So this crummy teacher will be paid to stay at home for 3 months AND then the school board will figure out what to do with him? Yeah, that will put the fear of God in him, betcha by golly wow!

Teacher Who Made a Noose Symbol Toward Black Kid Doesn’t Face Charges;

Close, but I’m getting more The Hills Have Eyes from this POS.

It would institute mandatory community registration, but I’m guessing anyone already living near Bill Cosby knows where he’s at. It’s a superficial gesture that wouldn’t affect him much before he serves his sentence, but I think it would have meaning for his victims.

5 years for assaulting a black woman in the head with a hammer and then raping her and exposing her to HIV.

Yes! DO IT.

White people: “I can’t wait for all the old Conservatives to die so we can truly grow as a country!”

I guess that must really suck when some uses their power to cross your boundaries against your wishes.

I wonder if he recognizes the irony of him not wanting his space encroached on.

Pretty much nobody needs to hear from # “I Will Never Get Out Of Yale And Live Only To Harass Black Students” Brash Braasch again, like, ever. ALL FOCUS SHOULD BE ON THAT DO-NOTHING DEAN OF STUDENTS who already had notice from the two – two – racist incidents that received worldwide notice the in 2014-15 academic year

Damn! This was brilliant. She is totally a “pick-me” woman.

Let’s be clear, what he’s describing is 100% rape

... Then again, I’m thinking logically.

Basically the younger white guy used his gun to make sure the older white guy could safely assault a black teenager. And now a couple of cowardly assholes will get a slap on a wrist while another black family grieves the loss of a child to the american way of life.

Thanks for reading it! It was my pleasure 😎

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