
So why do all the mean-girl gossipy stereotypes land on women? This is like the manual on how to devalue people. Well, not people, just women. But I guess if you’re male it all makes sense.

Because it comes with a hefty portion of women-bashing. PUAs both HATE women and want to have SEX with women. It’s very confusing, I’d imagine.

Two gorgeous and talented women who picked trashboys for some reason.

WHAT the fuck. The boys might rip your clothes off...well...technically they could do that no matter what you’re wearing.

We had the same reaction to dress codes when those sweatpants with the words on them were popular. Like...guys are gonna look at butts if they like butts. Words aren’t going to draw the eye any more than normal.

That inch is where the devil lives.

those straps have a tendency to fall down constantly and distract kids during class (and can make it hard to play at recess).

Ordered a blizzard and dipped cone at a Dairy Queen’


All women feel exactly the same as you. Complimenting someone on ‘emotional intelligence’ isn’t a real compliment, it’s a back-hand slap. At the same time you compliment someone on emotional intelligence you are saying they lack other forms of intelligence. Which is exactly what this guy is doing. He’s implying his

Also when everything you claim to be better at is something you think is superior anyway. Shit with cars and chess (since chess skill is seen as possessing high intellect), being a leader, etc etc. They also give women ‘compliments’ about our emotional intelligence. It’s like saying...


Well, in other parts of the world a woman is no longer considered marriageable if she is not a virgin. Rape is only rape when you’re damaging another man’s property.

That was heart-breaking... And this stood out to me

The fight for women and POC is far from over. In some parts of the world, women’s fight has only begun. :(

Wow...in 2005 some guy really said a woman’s uterus might just up and fall out cause she’s playing sports too hard. I can’t even....

Yeah, they’re not worth anything. Go to eBay and you will find any ‘first edition’ of this bear for roughly $10-20.

Women are often “crazy” until it turns out they’re “stupid.”

Experts have deep concerns about how to carry on research without provoking a backlash against their efforts or further stigmatizing survivors.

Nope. I read Michelle’s terribly-written post. Her objections are vastly different from yours. First off, the repubs are trying to say the amount of money is too low and that people are actually getting more than 29/week. She also peppered her article with quotes from people who probably have severe nutritional