
Considering more and more stuff is being sent over Cat 5/5e/6 cable I'd say that cable crimping will be a useful skill for a while yet.

@kaervin: Really? I lived in Germany for several years in the 90's and there were all these carrying things for ski gear called Ski-totes. Gives a completely new meaning to those things.

@Celtic1888: I thought it was last/this year that those promises were made.

That purple cable going from the green thing under the window to the desk kind of ruins all the rest of the neatness.

@Neo Hazard: If you like cheesy horror films you should check out the original Piranha from '78. It's pretty freakin' funny.

If they could team up with Disney to do an actual close to real life version I would buy that game in an instant. Even more so if they add a feature to ride the rides and hack zombies as you ride along. Toads wild ride would be amazing with zombies.

@Green Monkie: The article was talking about how the actor who plays Kevin Butler is a real person. I was merely adding that not only is he a real person he has family members too. Just like you and me.

He's also my friends uncle.

@diehippiedie: In the states you can video tape her all you want and she can't really do anything(as long as it's on public property, in the mall she could tell a guard and they could have you stop but still they can't erase what you already shot). Now if you tried to use her image to make a profit she might have

Well, if they did this I'd probably finally get an iPhone.

@DTheRPGFan657289: I was not a fan of "A Serious Man". I absolutely love all their other movies but I had to turn that one off after 45 minutes.

@Rejexted: But have you watched the amount of meat they put in? It's the same as subway, the added room is there for the lettuce and tomato.

@Dynosaulo: Thanks. Though i guess a lot more research is needed. Especially the football name for soccer. As an amalgamation of how you play the game that name only makes sense for English speakers yet most countries still call it football or some accented version there-of. It's all too confusing and I guess it's

@Rejexted: A lot less? They charge $1 more for their 8" sub sandwiches where I'm at;$2.50 more for the nicer ones. Remember Jimmy Johns is a 8" sandwich not a footlong; and once you get down to it it's more like a 6". I'll agree that the sandwich tastes better but it's more expensive and is less food. That would

@pouncep: No. Dick Cheney IS a cyborg. He's just upgrading his parts.

Considering how Anal-flower and Goatse have stuck with me I say no thanks. Those 2 are bad enough. I do not need more.

@That Guy: I caught the Fresh Express company on some show, Food Tech I think, and their salad mixes were super fast. Something like 24 hours from the time it's picked to it hitting your local grocery shelves.

@David Corso: Not every camera phone is as awesome as yours must be.

@Rejexted: Compared to eating a piece of ham on $.99 bread it's a rip-off.