
@Scott: If the studio has the budget and resources they will keep a lot of people on but from what I've seen a lot of people get brought on just for specific projects and then move on after it's done. I've got several friends in the industry and I think the longest they stayed at any one studio is for 2 games.

"Kids are playing on iPhones and iPads"

@aaronarmstrong13: Most stores in the US do card. That's part of why this whole Law is so egregious because it effectively just adds the ability to fine violating stores while realistically changing nothing. The whole thing is a waste of time and California has massive problems that they are pushing aside to focus

@bobjchambers: The funny part is that this Law is already how it is without the law. Kids cannot buy M rated games, parents have to. And they do in large numbers. This realistically just adds the ability to fine the store if they do ever sell an M game to a minor, which happens extremely rarely.

I think the most hilarious part about all this is it would only add on the ability to fine violators. The rest is already industry mandated and followed pretty damn closely by almost all retailers. This is saying that kids can't buy those games but parents can still buy those games for their kids. That's how it

I don't add anybody to any friends list that I don't know in real life. It just makes things simpler. I'll play with other people online but as soon as that session is over it's goodbye.

@Etalyx: I think you missed the gist. He's saying that Kotick wants to make the cheapest bar of soap. As in his costs will be as cheap as possible. Then sell that cheap ass piece of soap as if it was the most expensive piece of soap ever made.

@Andrew Dickerson: You say casual smoker. Do you smoke everyday? I think it has more to do with the chemicals you secrete because you smoke than the smoke itself.

@taniquetil: Would you be buying gym memberships, high-end running shoes and name-brand jerseys for an entire team by chance because $5000 is a lot to spend on those things.

The best way to avoid getting bitten is to take up smoking. Mosquitoes pretty much avoid smokers all together whether they are smoking at the time or not.

Why do we keep calling LCD TVs with LED backlights LED TVs. They aren't. If they were LED screens you'd have to be at least 15 feet away just to tell what the hell you were looking at besides just a bunch of dots.

@Keter: First, if you can see the smoke you are probably using too much wood. Too much smoke creates creosote build up which tastes bitter. You only want a little bit of smoke, in the BBQ world they call it the thin blue smoke. It probably won't set off a smoke alarm if you have windows open close to the stove.

Haha looks like his beard is painted on and his skin is made of cellophane.

I've started cooking huge packages of bacon every saturday for breakfast and then fridge up most of it for instant BLTs throughout the rest of the weekend and beginning of the next week.

@ch0mpchomp: Are we looking at the same cutout? The cutout behind her is at least a D-cup. She's an A at best.

I think Spain's trip through to the win exemplifies everything the non-footballers hate about the sport. They have some decent players but they were by far the best actors. They showed that the team that can get the ref to give out cards to non-calls or free-kick only situations is going to be the team that wins.

@HitBit: Spain won the fairplay trophy? Really? Who voted on this? Spain was the worst non-african team for taking dives and rolling on the ground faking it. Ramos and Villa both got multiple cards for opponents by falling down and rolling on the ground for a few minutes off of nothing(only Villa in the final

@xxjordisxx: They've already started banning them at American fields.

@AdmiralRupert: Really? Man, I could have sworn that one way went past the giant snake and skipped the fire bridge and the other did the fire bridge and skipped the giant snake.

I was always told that adding salt to water when boiling it was to help whatever you were cooking cook faster and absorb the water faster. Not to make the water itself boil faster.