
@jazzytay: That is kind of an odd choice. It's like looking at a car and deciding it would be better to take a tire off and just walk down the road on top of the tire instead of driving the car. You've already got the fire just freaking toast that 'mallow.

@nootron: Whenever I needed a cougar for a challenge I couldn't find one to save my life but whenever I didn't need them they were raping me every which way. It was actually a little frustrating.

@Ben Nadler: They seem to move in pairs as well so if you only shoot one the second is on you at about the time the skinning is done.

@Chrystolis: I killed like 8 or so right of the bat and I've been hoping they would repopulate. Stupid buffalo not breeding.

That game was so poorly officiated that I was yelling at my computer monitor and getting weird looks from co-workers.

@sam4sb: Looks like a different angle shot of the amplifier in pic 2

@ninjamurf: Ah, now I see what you are asking. Yeah I'd say drop ball.

@Pixelpooper: Yeah cost to enter is the reason it's so popular. All you need is a round object and enough people so poorer countries can play. It's like the opposite reason that polo is considered a "gentlemanly" sport because it's so expensive just to get suited up to play.

@rob_p: This is exactly what I've been asking for. If you won't do cameras then add an extra ref behind each goal or better yet two on either side of each goal.

@tkuhl87: I don't think it's so much the fact that it's "big" teams this is happening to; it's that it's happening so much this Cup. Usually there are maybe a couple of really rough calls a Cup that get people upset this one there has been practically one every game.

@travisco_nabisco: But I think that's a bogus argument. Look at every other sport that uses cameras. They don't use them at the lower levels and it doesn't make the experience any less than the "Big Leagues" it just makes them a little less exact.

@Hami83: Having just watched the Japan game I have to agree with his assessments.

the offsides rule isn't that confusing come on. It just takes years of playing and studying the rules and it just becomes clear........that it's entirely up to the ref to call whatever the hell they feel like as offsides.

@ms.henrick004: They are very very different. American football is set plays that usually last only a few seconds before both teams regroup at the line of scrimmage and make another play. Though you will occasionally see plays in both sports that could have come from the other they are different enough that if you

This forced Obsolescence is the main thing I dislike about Apple.

@Kimrod: I'm with you on that. It looks a lot like my room as a kid when I was done messing around. Basically it looks like a mishmash of random things with a good bit of Lego for structure. Oh and a boat on top because nothing says "awesome" like a boat on top.

Commenters, please stop getting upset over it being called a cult. Look up the word, this definitely falls into cult territory:

@RawheaD: Well, looking up the definition of Cult I'd say this fits pretty squarely in there. As does your Coke analogy. We may not call them cults but being overly committed to a non-living thing puts it in cult status.

@pupaboy3: Well it could be that each version of OSX since about 10.4 on has been worse then the version before and they force you to upgrade by making newer versions required for anything. "Oh you can't go to this website because you don't have the newest version of your browser. Oh that requires you to upgrade to