
I think I’ve just started to realize that all her caricatures are getting too over the top, in stark comparison to Cecily who’s just gold in every sketch she’s in.

Cultural appropriation is neutral anyway. Whether it’s good or bad or in between depends on the details. Using the term by itself is useless when discussing harmful behavior. It’s more efficient and clearer to just go into those said details and not use the term at all actually.

I’ve been watching the Dick Van Dyke Show just to watch her as Laura. In many ways, that character, too, was different from other portrayals of women on women at the time. As a wife, she was strong and supportive while not being domineering or obsequious. It was strange, however, that Laura and Rob slept in separate

I have such a HUNGER for the MTM show these days. Cannot find enough episodes.

Also a single lady, and I’m not exaggerating when I say getting a dog was the best decision I ever made. It’s amazing how much it’s enriched my life.

I mean, if you’re arguing that you agree with Homer fucking Simpson, maybe just sit down and be quiet for a little while, Ted.

This is pretty much the closest character to Ted

Maggie shot the rich right-wing industrialist. If Lisa is the Democrat party, Maggie is the weather underground.

It’s weird when someone doesn’t get they’re the punchline.

Lisa is literally one of the best female cartoon characters ever. It’s funny that Ted thinks this is an insult. It’s only an insult if you’re a complete ignoramus. Everyone knows that Homer is a complete joke and parody. So it makes sense that Ted compared himself to Homer.

How is this statement in any way controversial, Ned?

We’re not talking about his accomplishments at this moment. Is that cool?


I have to tell you what I told my Mom - “You should expect them not to tell the truth. You should expect them to lie.” FOX ‘NEWS’ IS NOT NEWS.

Congratulations, you are officially too intelligent to be an evangelical Christian.

With a heavy does of stupidity, since the “real” Samson (assuming he existed) would have been pretty damn brown. It’s a source of continual amusement to me that white American Christians routinely think of (and depict) Biblical figures as being Caucasian.

Yep, of all Hitler’s various sins against humanity, ‘bailing out the auto industry’ is the one that really gets my goat. *eye roll*

Yeah. But redundancy is extra- jesusey. He should maybe get his stupid face out of that collection of bronze age myths which are largely centered around maintaining a patriarchy if he wants to make any progress in being a feminist ally. You know, for his daughters....