
I love Chrissy Teigen. And I’m jealous, because I’ve been trying to get Donald to block me, too. Actually, she should now move on to Ted Cruz. That would be life goals for me.

Faith American is a garbage name for a brewery. Sounds more like a retailer that would sell star spangled crucifixes.

Oh, thank goodness. Where do I call to volunteer to feed people living in churches or whatever? Even if I believed that immigration was wrong, I would do this just to fuck the KKKeebler Elf up! I am rapidly losing my patience and even my tolerance for these people and their horrible racism and sexism and feudalism.

Massachusetts is now a sanctuary state. Come at us, asshole.

I think it’s quite possible that 1) he’s guilty of sexual harassment and 2) Fox is using him as a scapegoat so they can pretend to care about sexual harassment. I would guess that this is one of those times when neither side is really the good guy.

You say 70's I say ugly (I lived through the 70's and did not wear anything so heinous) but the comments here disagree with me. I never liked Gucci anyway.

TBH I would wear the hell out of those yellow pants. I encounter many t-rexes while doing my grocery run.

He’s basically saying that it’s okay to shoot people you disagree with politically.

I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some, uh, people out there in our nation don’t have maps and, uh, I believe that our education like such as in the Northeast...

I will be happy, as a woman, to empty a double barrel shotgun in your fat ass, you misogynist piece of shit.

three “female senators from the Northeast,”

Aha, technically correct about no “Russian funds”, since Lev Leviev is Uzbek, not Russian. This obsfuscation, along with general American ignorance of geography, is the kind of thing the Dump family is counting on. And yet! Mueller et al. are no doubt familiar with maps, as well as the ongoing story on the constituent

There is such a thing as a good spray tan. My sister has them done occasionally before special occasions, and it’s very subtle and natural-looking.

Also: there is no amount of hair and makeup that is going to make Sarah Huckabee Sanders good at her job. She doesn’t need to look pretty to do a job that is basically just lying. That she only got because... Republican nepotism.

What does that make the High Sparrow, then?

If Tennessee Williams plays had air conditioning sums it up pretty well

People complain about the show all the time, but thank GOD the Farya storyline was omitted. If they think Sansa had nothing to do NOW, try reading the endless Alayne chapters. Same with Fageon.

“The population breakdown supports this move, not because of hate, but because of relateability.”

The uber rich, police commissioners, journalists...this shit sounds like a party at Wayne Manor. How come the Joker never crashes these types of events IRL?

Woman here. My friend bought it every month, and I don’t remember reading a single article. I just oogled the dicks while she primped in the mirror for an hour before we’d hit the mall to do nothing.