
I fucking love how much she says fuck. Also, much appreciate her saying us childless women are brave. I get so many annoying comments about my lack of children...why don’t you have kids? When are you going to have kids? Don’t you want kids? What, you don’t have kids? Oh, you’ll change your mind, kids are the most

i’m gonna be that guy...it’s Uhura.

OMG, I think my heart just exploded. That’s so cute!

Love it! She sounds like a Boss.

This is the most adorable picture.

Oh my goddddddd. I don’t know what it is about big dogs and tiny baby kitties being friends but it just kills me, it’s so sweet.

Awww, they match! So cute!

Mine was the puppy from hell and now is the sweetest, coolest dog. He is extremely popular at the dog park.

Awww, goldies love kittehs!

Diane von Furstenberg

Walk (or jog) outside. It’s easy and free and I do some really good thinking on my walks/jogs. And they make me feel powerful. I’ve gotten to know my neighbors and neighborhood and I love watching the seasons change.  

In that case, one more! Mr. Handsome was besties with both of our cats, who are no longer with us (it’s OK, they were really old!). Dog and Fat Kitty would explore the backyard together and snuggle on the sofa for hours.

Lovebugs! The one on the right is a foster, but I have a feeling this is going to end up a foster fail.

For you: He briefly abandoned his stuffed lovie to play with his kitty.

Hmm, I’m thinking it took two weeks, maybe? We got Eliza a couple months ago when she was 16 weeks old; Arlo is two. I don’t recall any grand spats but they definitely had to feel each other out for a while. How old is your older kitty?

Bingo. I’m sick to death of this bullshit.

Hey there are tons of farms in my area too. Several right down the street, in fact, growing all manner of awesome stuff. And no shortage of beauty either - mountains, lakes, rivers, forests, you name it. That’s part of what makes it nice to live here, but a bigger part is people not being racist shitbags.

This is a country in which Native Americans defending their sovereign lands from desecration and ecological calamity are considered criminals, but a bunch of white jackasses armed to the teeth can take over a federal facility and be exonerated of any wrongdoing. This latest display of bigotry and idiocy is