
The only time you should be outside in the summer (which begins in May and goes to November 1) is when you are walking from your air-conditioned car to an air conditioned building.

I just introduced a kitten to my household (slowly...10 day scent swap, the whole Jackson Galaxy method) how long did it take Arlo and Eliza to bond? Or are they siblings?

I’ve been watching Speechless too and I mostly like it. I agree it’s a little over the top, but I’m hoping they’ll stop trying so hard after a few episodes.

Awesome!! The best news! <3

I moved from CT to SC and all my friends are non-natives. The nice thing about the South is it’s easy to find people who “aren’t from around here.” As someone else said, you’ll find your people. I happen to (happily) have a circle of diverse, very blue friends here. You will too!

This line was the best. Seriously, how could Trump have possibly thought that putting them in the audience would have any effect? She’s been living with their spectors for 30 years.

I was surprised it didn’t get a bigger laugh; I thought that line was brilliant.

You’ve totally nailed it. All of it.

I logged on tonight to check on you, so thank you for posting. Hang in there, GOTelection2016's comment gives me hope.


I’m so sorry. I have a friend who suffered from depression beginning at 14. I don’t have any awesome advice or uplifting slogans. I just want you to know you’re not alone and hope that offers some comfort.

Someone stole my card number (a couple of years ago) and bought baby clothes and donated to the World Wildlife Fund. I think they were feeling a little conflicted too.

Thanks for this. SC doesn’t need to take the blame for North Carolina’s ills.

Me too! My sister pointed it out to me when we were kids. It’s weird, but I don’t think it’s aggression (I have 2 dogs and 2 cats that I adore and dote on).

I interviewed 2 people this week. One was able to make a little small talk and smile while we waited for another manager to join us. One just fidgeted with a pen and was so nervous he made me nervous. Don’t be afraid if you’re waiting to make a little small talk (weather, traffic, anything super general). He was

This happened to me after 23 years. I found out what really helped me was my determination to follow “living well is the best revenge.” The financial part is hard, but you just get creative. Cling to your sense of humor, even if it’s black humor. It’s been 5 years for me now and I’m so much happier than I was at the

I had a 17-year-old Border Collie who was going blind, going deaf and had arthritis in her hips. I agonized over if I was keeping her alive for me or her. It’s incredibly difficult to rescue a dog from a shelter, live with her for 16 years and then decide to end her life after spending all that time keeping her safe.

Oh, this really did make me laugh out loud.

Yup, you’re stereotyping. I was born in Boston and have lived in SC for 20 years. I’m surrounded by others from New England, the Midwest, Guam, China, Korea, Pakistan and India (that’s just my street). He’s not going to get a pass, but the news cycle will move on so you’ll never know.

My parents were classmates of Richard Belzer in college. My mom also says he is a sweetheart and has always been “Crazy Rich Belzer.”