
Isn’t his entire thing just a show/reaction put on to please fans? Like, he’s not a critic or reviewer is he? He’s basically a presenter, and that job is literally all about faking reactions.

Basically, he has grown up.

I gotta give it to the man for not performing while his audience yells ‘Dance, Monkey. Dance.’

Desensitised. It’s how Resident Evil 1 was scary and is now just a comedy sandwich.

Exactly what are those stretch goals? We’re sorry to say that will have to wait a little while longer!

I know for a fact he donates a LOT of money to charity too, and tries to do so somewhat anonymously. Class act.

So you ruin a man’s life who just wants to feel normal. Something that was best kept secret.

he’s making games for the people who want his games, not for people who don’t want his games. see also: literally anyone who makes anything.

it’s a similar thing with people calling others a “sellout”, for some strange reason people hate watching others succeed and in their jealousy, try to prevent them from achieving success or furthering their current success.

But there’s also a growing backlash spearheaded by people who think Cawthon is just pumping out games to cash in on his success.

I had no idea that up until now, she never found out; I always assumed that secret came up a decade or two ago.

This is where Lois starts wondering if Jimmy and Clark are having an affair.

Goku’s japanese voice is the fucking worst...

oooh boy, I can’t wait. this has become one of my favorite games this year. And to think I never even heard of it until about a month ago when I picked it up on steams summer sale.

One of the best games this year, along with witcher 3

What’s next? The cover of Variety?

Well that was nice that the guy got such a huge boost in sales. Too bad this will likely be drowned out by people who have to rage at the very mention of PewDiePie.

If anyone ever feels the need to give Peter Molyneux money for a game title in the future, please consider some of these alternatives:

I'd argue that the word "anime" is loaded in English, too, which could explain why Studio Ghibli anime are often referred to as "Ghibli movies" or "Ghibli films" in English. It's a way for English speakers to separate them from the baggage of anime. Not everyone does this, though.