
I’ve gone to hundreds of games over the past 32 years and this was probably one of the best played games I’ve ever been to. And it would have been 2.5 hours if not for a 5 run 8th.

Yeah.. I’m a 4E also, but on top of that need orthotics that bring it up to a 6E, and it needs to be a shoe with a huge toe box since the orthotic raises the foot up so much. So I’m stuck with the choice of black, white, laces or Velcro. Yes- the one shoe I can wear comes in fucking Velcro for old men. Totally sucks.

ok someone needs to make an iPad Pro is better than a PC commercial with it running Win XP now.

A lot of it is the sport specific channels. I mean, who watches Baseball Tonight anymore when there’s MLB Network. And Sunday Night Baseball announces have been a joke since Miller and Morgan retired. The same with the other sports.

If they want to make the cost this high to start with when there is only one game out anyway, let them. The only people who care about getting a console on day 1 are the obssessive fan-boys anyway. By the holidays I’m sure there will be discounted bundles to make the cost more bearable.

Just another reason to wait a few months to get a switch. There will be way more games, probably a bundle, possibly a price drop, and a bunch of firmware updates adding support for things like this.

Thanks I was looking for a sale on echo dots and checked eBay a few weeks ago. For some inexplicable reason the average one is selling for about $45 plus $5-10 shipping.. or above face value. Some are even going for $60. And people are paying that! I don’t get it.

Thanks I was looking for a sale on echo dots and checked eBay a few weeks ago. For some inexplicable reason the

Could be the angle. If they are progressive lenses, she could be very near (dare I say.. short) sighted and fine for distance and so depending on the angle of the photo you are looking at, you could be looking through the very weak distance part rather than the stronger reading piece.

You can buy extension cables for like $5.

I don’t know- wireless controllers just means more to worry about charging. I worry about enough to charge. I’ll deal with a 10 foot cable. It makes it more retro, anyway :-).

thanks for this. Most of these best deals end up with me buying something I don’t REALLY need but kinda want. My 2 year old loves the Annies mac and cheese and always asks for bunnies [cookies]. So this was really helpful

thanks for this. Most of these best deals end up with me buying something I don’t REALLY need but kinda want. My 2

FYI I know this isn’t the point of the article, but you can get from NYC to Philly by NJ Transit or a megabus for like $20.

I love that the AirPods ship with a cable that can’t be connected to a macbook pro. I mean this is being released AFTER the USB-A’less computer came out, AND doesn’t come with a power brick which means you need to plug it into a computer to charge (or have a spare brick). Come on.

I’m tempted only because Perth is the farthest major city from where I live so of course I want to go there.

I am honestly not surprised- their customer service and appreciation for business was awful.

Slightly related, for anyone with young kids there’s a kids version of Who’s on First where every position is a different animal, and my almost two year old loves it and has for a while. I’m sure he doesn’t get the humor but he loves all the animals and it is fun to read for me. Highly recommended.

Hey my 1 year old loves pikmin on the Wii U. He thinks they are fish. And all the giant berries.

That’s because it’s still the latest and greatest system. Wait until Black Friday sales or eBay after the Switch is released.

The 13 inch Macbook Air was updated last in April 2016. Yeah it was just a spec boost, but still an update. I don’t think we will ever see a major refresh, but I do think they will keep it around with updated specs for a while.

Sanebox plus google inbox. Sanebox parses your inbox and moves news and bulk emails to other folders to check when you have time, or ignore. That leaves more important emails in your inbox. Then use Google inbox which helps you “check them off” or schedule it to be looked at later. Went from 80,000+ down to 0 that