
i really like the fact that when you take a photo in portrait mode it takes a blurred image and a regular photo so if the depth mode one screws up, you still have a usable photo.

Talking about potential explosions of all kinds, how’d eating that recalled soylent bar work out for you?

So next year is there going to be a Note 8? Or does Samsung rename the phone completely so not to scare anyone from buying it?

To be fair I think I was in the very first batch of Oct 4-10. I was online at 3am eastern on the dot just to have the apple/verizon handshake fuck up and I was locked out of my account. Got the order in around 5. I was not happy.

I had a plus as well but ordered straight through Apple.

Apple is catching up. I had an original delivery date of October 4-10... I received my 7+ on 9/21.

They didn't have to number the nexus though- remember the Galaxy Nexus

Another one I really like-with a setting change you can unlock your phone with just putting your finger on the home button - no pressing. Go into settings -> general -> accessibility -> home button and enable rest finger to open.

Yep. Apple couldn’t connect to Verizon’s servers for me and since it was 3am and I was not thinking straight, I just kept retrying my verizon pin over and over.. until I got locked out for an hour. By the time I had access again it was a 2-3 week wait. Oh well.

You can’t tell me there weren’t times you didn’t want zoom. So many of my photos of my son are not frameable because after cropping down to “zoom in”, the photos are too grainy.

You are forgetting one really important thing on Verizon though- if you go through them, your monthly access charge drops from $40 a month to $20 a month saving a ton in the long term.

Going through Verizon directly saves me $20 a month on my bill because the monthly access charge is $20 instead of $40 if you rent a phone through them. So going through Apple would be a lot more expensive.

ha college fund- until he’s out of the $1,600 a month daycare program that ain’t growing too fast. I can’t wait until he starts kindergarten.

Personally the zoom will be very nice for me because I have a 1.5 year old who I am taking a crap ton of photos of.. and since he’s still small, optical zoom will be very, very helpful.

Wasn’t the original iPhone, 3G and 3GS somewhat shiny? Not as shiny as this jet black thing but still glossy and it definitely showed scratches...

it leads to more dropped calls. when you are on a call while moving and you are on LTE to start with, but then move to a 3G area.. dropped call. It should transition nicely, but it doesn’t.

I believe they get free rent by staying in college dorm rooms. Since they are short season, they only play when school is out so it works. I remember hearing that SI stays in Wagner.

put cookie dough outside in the sun in the morning. Then when you open the door in the afternoon, boom- cookies.

If there are cost overruns, we will know about it once we see the toll prices.

Hey i’ll say they are actually making really good progress on this- that 287 project, i didn’t see anything done for years. The Tappan Zee project is too visible to be delayed- hell, Obama is the one that got it pushed through.