
This is either the best or worst Black Friday deal...

Probably 2000, before I got my drivers license or cell phone. When I stayed late in high school or after work,to signal my mom to pick me up, I would call home collect with the name being “pick me up”. She would decline the call and know to come. No quarter needed.

To me, payphone booths are literally modern day archaeological ruins. Ruins are remnants of something from past society that shows us a bit of their culture and how people lived. That is kind of exactly what a payphone booth is.

Well, I mean with medical help, chances are the baby would live and with surgery maybe even gain some ability to walk...

When you are looking for a daycare, PLEASE check your state’s office of child and family services. They have whether or not a daycare is licensed and what issues were found and if they were corrected. One requirement for being licensed is knowing CPR, the Heimlich, etc.. along with many others.

Yeah my wife and I went through an adoption... the New York City Board of Education refuses to give any paid leave for adoptive parents.. just for biological parents. Apparently 50% of companies do not give paid adoption leave.

A cheaper and easier way- buy blue blocking glasses. They are like $10 on Amazon and block all blue light- not just from the tv but your cell phone, light bulbs, etc. you make look like a doufus wearing them but you are in bed so.. Whatever.

If this thing can tell me which smoke alarm has a battery running low and not just beep non-stop at 3am while I hunt around the house, this is worth every penny.

I’m not sure. I mean, when you and I walk, taking steps isn’t a relfex per-say. We know how to take steps the same way we know how to ride a bike. We don’t think about it, but I wouldn’t say it’s a reflex. So I would assume a baby would have to remember how to take steps and associating it with walking vs some strange

Habit streak is on the iPhone, though If you have a Starbucks card they were giving an equivalent app, streaks, out free through the Starbucks app a few weeks ago, actually. I think it’s still redeemable.

nope. You lose the reflex after about 4 months. It’s strange because it is a “useful” reflex to have.. and yet when a baby’s legs are strong enough that they can hold hold themselves up while holding on, they lose it.

I know. It’s so strange that just a few months later, when babies’ legs are strong enough to stand up with support, they can’t remember how to step at all. Kind of interesting that evolution did that.

Now playing

All babies are born with a reflex to take steps that goes away when they are a few months older. Our doctor showed us this stepping reflex when our son was I think 3 weeks old. He’s now 7 months and hasn’t figured out how to take steps when holding one of those walker things. (the video below is not my kid... just

I did but apparently the water had to run for like 10 minutes straight for it to start. I only tested for like 5 mins straight. And my wife was pissed that everything stored under the sink was out on the counter.

So not really sure you can call this a fail, but back in mid to late 90’s when AOL was all the rage, I located (which showed you what chat room someone was in) my grandfather was in a 30’s F4F room. Me, being about 13 at the time, laughed hysterically and had to show my mom. Apparently he pretended to be people online

One major word of advice- no matter how simple a task may seem, the first time have someone supervise you or see how the pro’s do it.

Not worth destroying a major park in NYC. Especially when land is at a premium. Plus it would block the Statue of Liberty for some. That’s why the city finally nixed him and built the Brooklyn battery tunnel.

Only because they were planned that way from the beginning. If Moses wanted Buses on there, don’t you think it could have been designed that way? It could still be tree lined, but straigher and longer on-ramps.

Yep. It’s actually just as fast to get from Grand Central to Barclays - a completely different borough - as it is Grand Central to MSG