
um, due to the sandboxed nature of each app and that each app can only use approved Apis to make it through the App Store, there are no viruses on ios. Security holes, yes. Viruses, no.

just use this app. It is great on iOS. I would have to assume the same on Android.

(Duplicate post... Stupid mobile internet dropping out...)

I knew I liked the Donkey Kong mine cart levels for a reason...

This isn't true at all... I bought my iPhone off contract a few years ago so could only afford 16gb and so have had to budget storage space quite often. I now have only the most basic games on my phone- 2048, pacman, and a few rotating ones... the rest is all productivity stuff.

Yeah, when flying home from Iceland (which is AMAZING, btw), we flew over Greenland... normally photos from airplane windows are crappy at best, but you can see how dramatic it is from the photos. And this was taken August 1... https://www.dropbox.com/sc/rmv1di9g20w…

I personally really want this for the bedroom. How many time do I turn on the light to get ready for bed with the tv on... then when going to sleep, turn off the tv just to have to get out of bed to turn off the light. Definitely a first world problem, but this would be super convenient to be able to turn off the

Could you imagine this for baby and kids clothes? Please implement this before my wife and I have our first kid and doing laundry every day.......

Maybe it's a guy thing, but I'm in Bedford Hills and when I read Mount Kisco Bicycle Shop, I totally had the same reaction as your husband.

Smart Watches. I remember watching Inspector Gadget as a kid and always wanted Penny's watch that she can talk to Brain with. While dogs still can't talk, some watches have cameras to video chat with.

Hey I still have my 2006 Toshiba 42HDX99, which I got on clearance from Best Buy for like $2,000 and it's still going strong. Better than the Samsung I got two years later, actually.

yeah, looking back I should have raised the exposure a bit before handing over the camera. It's amazing how few people know about exposure and overuse the flash. Every camera, even basic ones, have the +/- control on it now...

Not ultra wide... you use the zoom of your lens to make it closer. It tricks the camera into thinking both the foreground and background are closer together than they are. Don't ask me why or how.

Agreed... but sometimes it's nice to have a photo of yourself in front of a major landmark in the background and you want to see both.

Yeah. it definitely works. I am no professional photographer but I think the reason it works SO well is because the mountains are of different depths in the background. There's the grass covered low one, then the middle one and then the snow covered peaks so your eyes are drawn up to the huge mountain in the back.

technically you don't want to get in tight as that leads to a crazy lath depth of field and the background is really far away. You want to back up far and use the the zoom of your lens to get in close which makes you not seem a million miles from whatever is in the background.

Im a Senior Software Engineer and some years back when working at a major company, I was working on this old program that didn't have a read only mode. When I was screwing with data that I thought was a development instance was actually Production.

no harm in downloading and trying the free ones...

And it's actually somewhat accurate! This town and that sign actually does exist! We had a layover in Vienna on the way to Venice a few years ago and I was so tempted to skip the flight to Italy just so we can stop in this town with that sign.

Sweet! Fucking, Austria is still missing through...