
If it's so well planned, how the hell does I-287 north connect with I-87 south, which actually goes east, and then connects to a completely different I-287 that goes east/west, maybe 20 minutes after you get off the first 287. SO confusing

Missing that progress bar that jumps all the way to 99% and then SITS there.. ugh!

Will third party apps be able to support this? It will only really be useful to me if Waze works with it in the future.

To be fair he could have gone east a few blocks and taken the FDR highway and not had that many lights once hitting the highway. He knew the roads and knew Central Park East wouldn't have problems with traffic at 3am so was more efficient. The downtown area of any major city has that many lights per square mile.

Where he was driving is only where the insanely rich live- right next to Central Park on the upper east side (it's easy to tell this because he passes the Apple Cube near the end which is diagonal from Central Park). The only thing there are crazy expensive apartments and a few closed museums. The area that would be

The scariest are the steep roads that have traffic lights at the end of them. I lived in nj for a while and it was so scary to be stopped at the light with a car RIGHT behind you and you know when the light turns green and you take your foot off of the brake, you are going to roll backwards. Only time I ever had to

Portofinos in Westchester has slices that big. Damn good pizza, for NYC suburbs at least.

Guess you saw the Lego Movie and that crazy WB title screen recently?

Would this also mean that a dryer would not be needed, or at least be a really quick dry saving a ton of energy?

... Not to mention an MLB stadium that the Braves so desperately needed at the time

In manhattan the other issue is the buildings have so many windows that the sun reflects off of that pedestrians literally become ants under a magnifying glass. It's so insanely hot. The buildings in other boroughs are still brick facades for the most part so don't have the same issues.

Many new stadiums have obstructed view seats. I mean, this is the view from Citi Field. That's not to take away from the obnoxiousness of Yankee stadium. It is the one place where I feel like I don't belong because I am not a millionaire. You walk in and the first thing you see is a glass suite lounge where you see

yep, trust me, I know. As you can tell with my username, I am a Yankee fan and go to a good 15-20 games a year... and the new stadium has none of the heart, soul and tradition of the old stadium.

yeah, though Yankee Stadium as really ruined in the 70's with the renovation... that took the heart and soul out of it.

...not to mention the fact that there is now photo proof of me being 29 years old sitting in and playing with a pool a Duplos. I'm kind of proud of that.

Yeah, most of the the time you need to have a kid with you, but the first Thursday night of every month @ 7 is for adults only... Here's photos from last one.

Man watching this all I can thing of is that Mario 64 ice slide. Not falling off that damn thing was hard!

Yep, pretty much the same here. My wife and I avoid valentines day completely... It's just a chance for restaurants to jack up prices with a fancy "ala-carte" menu. Only valentines day card I get and send is to my grandmother (that's not too weird, right? Makes her happy. ).

Just making sure! Your posts were starting to remind me of the Facebook timeline of someone who is newly single and trying to cope. Glad all is well!

Leslie, are you okay? This is like the third post from you today related to dating, being single on valentines day, bad first dates, etc... Either you were assigned to work on bummer valentines dating stories or you are really down in the dumps today... hope the day gets better!