
Except if you can't fit a 65" tv on the wall.. also Amazon charges tax in NY- not sure about Paul's TV.. in that case the 60 inch ZT is cheaper than the 65" VT.. so there would be a case to get a ZT then.

Has anyone tried the rib sandwich from Burger King? How does it compare with the McRib?

Something like that.. though it seems the algorithm needed for processing photos in this new ball will be way simpler and faster. Plus the weight is probably more evenly distributed preventing Ray Finkle/Laces out issues.

I am kind of hoping someone here recognizes this or the other baby as themselves in the photo... these kids have got to be around 25 now which is probably the median age on this blog...

Could you imagine this being built into a football in the NFL? Would take incredible footage!

How does a small area in North and South Dakota have the fastest internet in the country?

Sad Randy :-(

Yeah, I know how expensive Jersey Shore towns are... though I think being by Atlantic City and the boardwalk helps that as well. Also since current coastal cities, especially on the east coast, as some of the oldest towns in the country, they are usually more "mature" and historic than the newer planned communities

Except with Philly, NYC, and Baltimore gone, you'd have oceanfront property in bumblef*ck Pennsylvania with the closest cities being Harrisburg and Scranton... that can't help house values

Dude, I still haven't been able to find a damn bench in the PABT. When I just missed a bus and wanted to sit and wait for the next one.. nope, can't do it. Gotta stand.

I would need to see how the conversion to type from handwriting works. My handwriting is absolutely horrible and so I am not sure if it would convert correctly making many of the features useless.

The thing that sucks is that makes an expensive computer even more expensive. AppleCare is basically a requirement, adding $239 to the cost.. And since everything is soldered on, you tend to buy more than you need, just in case.

The way I see it, computers are great for media creation. iPads are great for media consumption and easy on access for quick tasks.

People who took advantage of those sales over the summer on the mbp for what seemed to be a really good price at the time must be really pissed. I'm sure they were expecting a spec bump in Sept/Oct, but the $200 price drop nullifies any sale price they got.

Thanks for letting me know about Stanziato's! Regarding Ted's.. Their burgers are just okay but I think their steamed plain cheese and steamed hot dog is better...

Hmm, the Macbook Pro's are going to be updated next week as well... will Touch ID be on it?

Not all of the sites on this list are e-commerce- realtor.com, WebMD, USAToday...

True, though unless it was completely different then than it is now, the reason classmates.com has been, and still is, relevant, is not for its social networking features, but the ability to access the old yearbooks and such.

Sorry. no pix no chat.

it's funny that not one social networking site is on the list. Obviously Facebook and even Myspace didn't exist yet, but I do believe Friendster did.