
There are some states that don't have sales tax - if one of them is within 2 hours, for me that is worth the drive to save $200 or so.

Some states are tax free :-). Considering tax on this would be like $200, if you live within 2 hours of a tax free state (Delaware and New Hampshire are the two I can think of), it's worth the drive.

As an Islander fan, I can say it's worth it... While it sucks spending the money now, you do not want to deal with the unknowns of the team possibly moving away and who knows where. The Red Wings is such a big part of the city of Detroit, to have a chance of them moving to Seattle or Quebec or something would be

Yeah especially last week of the month- cops are bad on the Saw Mill and Taconic... too bad too because northern part of the Saw Mill after it splits off from the Sprain is such a fun drive if you hit the lights right (ha)

This is one reason I love cruises- you don't really have a choice but to disconnect. I spend $30 and get 45 mins of internet for the entire trip and that is it. Forces you to leave the Internet behind and experience real life.

You realize this is done by practically all movie channels too? I don't think HBO, Starz, Showtime, etc show most movies in 2.39:1 either. This occured in the VHS and 4:3 days way more so using pan and scan

I was at the game and that was EXACTLY what I did :-)... luckily I was the one of the only ones who thought of it so was able to get a car. The stressful part was after I got the car to get out of that crowd and to the meeting point before the car got there.

This is a policy of all legolands... However there is always an Adult Night once a month. For the one in Westchester it is the first Thursday of the month.

any chances this will still be going when the Haswell MBP's are released?

Oh a ton. The moment you drive over the Delaware Water Gap (connects northern NJ to PA), there are a TON of billboards for fireworks

I don't mind em either, but every day? And being stuck having to run from the train to the car in em? Not so much fun.

I work in NYC and take the train home... having to sprint from the train to the car when there are severe thunderstorm alerts and rain starting shortly? Not fun.

big difference between thunderstorms and rain.. and every day? ugh

Can they do that in real life too? More thunderstorms today and every day for the next week... yay :-(

Awesome! Do you know what year schedule completion is for phase 1? Sorry, I know I could google it, but this is easier :-)

wait, I'm out of the loop with this- this means the 7 train will be going to Hudson Yards, ie, there will be a direct connection from Grand Central to Hudson Yards via the 7 train? My office is possibly moving from Bryant Park to Hudson Yards in a few years and we are all kinda wondering how the hell we will get

Too bad it will be out of date in a few months when ios 7 comes out. In a few years no one will even recognize this anymore.

I'm a guy... if it tells me to wear a skirt, do I need to listen to it?

This is definitely not going to be a user accessible menu- all of this seems to be a developer options to figure out what the best speeds are for the transitions- when developing UI's, to determine the best transition speeds via changing a hardcode, compiling, trying again, etc would take FOREVER. Having a menu like