
Using both, I would say it is lesser so with some of the newer features added, for example, launchpad, matching a paradigm people already know, along with the Mac App Store. remember, I'm not talking about power users here like most of us are, but the average person.

Understood.. and yeah, change is necessary.. but this may be risky for windows because a large portion of their consumer base are people who are not technologically inclined and "afraid" of technology. They also have a group of people that know windows like the back of their hand and by changing their workflow, it

No, the people switching are the ones who heard that Apple is better from many, many people but are afraid to switch because they like staying with what they are comfortable with. Now with Windows being different, especially to people who don't know much about tech, there is no reason to stay with it anymore.

Eh I have compared performance of OSX and Windows at work (I have access to both) and for the work I do, OSX is MUCH faster and performs better- like, it's not even close. In my personal life, I still have windows because I am more comfortable with it and I want to come home and relax, not learn a new platform.. but

Well the battery is the one thing in the laptop that will need replacing eventually, so that is good news. Hopefully the next version of the 15" follows suit.

When the first iPhone came out in 2007, Apple's stock, while high, was not insane- about $90 a share... Apple has always been about looks, and ever since the iPod in 2002, minimalism and clean lines... so I guess it was worth it to them to keep those looks, even if it was a financial risk.

Well really the word SAMSUNG on top is a blemish also.. it could easily only be on the back as well. I don't see the difference. And really, even though the phone is made by Samsung, this version is made to utilize Verizon's network and without a phone network, the phone would be pretty useless, except on wifi... so

This has nothing to do with Windows 7... hell I am on Windows 7 right now and am fine with it... I'm talking about having to re-learn everything for Windows 8... at that point considering usability, which is what Apple is known for, I'll head down that route... that's not being a fanboy... it's choosing the lesser of

Yeah but people are complaining about the Verizon logo being on the front... the back would be fine

And is used on Verizon :-) Without a carrier, any phone would be pretty useless (except on wifi)

Agreed. Just seems a little stupid to complain about one but not the other.

Agreed, it does confuse the button's function.. although with newer devices that only have one or two physical buttons, the buttons have multiple functions anyway and you probably won't be looking down to hit the button after the first week anyway, it'll all be by touch. You are right though... but I have a feeling

Yeah but they do work together and it's a combination of both that will in the long run lead to your overall satisfaction of the device... unless you are always on Wifi, a phone without a carrier is pretty pointless just as a carrier is without a phone (or tablet or whatever).. if phone service sucks, it doesn't

Eh some places put on decals that can't be, or are really really hard to remove... probably as hard as it would be to buff out the verizon logo

Fair enough. Although it's one of those things I'm sure you'd get used to... hell, after the first week of using the phone you probably wont even have to look to touch the button... it'll all be by feel anyway.

what makes it more tasteful? I think everyone would agree the phone would look better without it.... and not every Samsung phone has it, ie the Galaxy Nexus

There actually was a Samsung "store" in NYC.. it closed in January- http://nymag.com/listings/stores/samsung-experience/

Yeah but really, even if you love the phone, if the phone service sucks, who the hell cares how good the phone is? So really you are buying into the two things together (granted Verizon is more the lesser of all of the evils, but that's semantics). A phone needs a good signal and a good signal needs a good phone to

Well, the car usually DOES have something that says where you bought- granted it's on the back, but the back is what everyone else driving sees.

How is this any different than the SAMSUNG logo at the very top of the device?