
They need two more things- some kind of mirror to show food in the back (or rotate food!) and something for the crisper drawers- there's always that one fruit you forget about on the bottom on the drawer that becomes a science experiment by the time you find it.

With the ability to now order the phone online and get it the SAME day as people who wait on line for a few days, there really is no reason to do the latter anymore.

Most importantly- does sound leak out of the headphones/earpods/whatever?

didn't work for me either... and not sure if incognito mode would mess up the cashback thing anyway

Through ShopDiscover I will get 5% back, but I need to wait for the Apple Store to be back up :-( ugh

I have this leather one-

Yeah- LTE allows for data while calling since the phone call is still on CDMA.

another reason to get 16gb- you have an iPad, or some other tablet and most of your multimedia is on there. I keep very little, if any video on the iPhone, and getting a cheaper phone helps supplement the cost of the tablet.

yeah, but each year instead of focusing on a redesign, they focus on spec bumps... obviously there is one iPhone team and they focus on yearly re-hashes... not two teams one working on yearly updates and another working on larger changes.

People are complaining that the phone isn't revolutionary, but seriously, it's been one year. Every revolutionary Apple product has taken years of development and research before it is released- the first iPhone, iPad, etc. Assume it took them 3-4 years of R&D... if you compared the iPhone 5 with the one 4 years

Now that public transportation directions won't come out of the box on iOS devices, other apps (ie, hopstop) that do the same thing will be able to raise prices since their service is now a premium. Buy downloading it now when it is free, you "purchased" it and if they raise prices it won't matter.

Just out of curiosity... I did pretty good at this (91/100), and I know I am anal about the appearance of something on the screen or printed, while it is text or graphical Uniformity and things being slightly off is so extremely glaring, yet no one else can see it and if they do, don't care the same way I do.

91/100. I'm a front end developer so I love things like this. I need to give this to the pure server guys tomorrow to compare.

Sadly, that's in Australian dollars- it's $383 USD. They have some wall "furniture" that is $649 USD... http://kartongroup.com.au/collections/packages/products/the-karton-archive

can you get public transit directions? And know when lines aren't running? That's the important part

They are, but iOS6 won't have Google Maps anymore, which may cause HopStop to start charging

before Google Maps, we would rely on it in NYC

Anyone in an area that Hopstop services, while it is still free. Once iOS 6 comes out, the public transportation directions it provides will become so invaluable since maps won't do it, and hopstop may decide to charge people for the app. You can delete it right after, but "buy" it now.

Yep- I live in the NYC area and have a lot of family down in Baltimore and DC... I set glympse up before I leave and that way the family doesn't have to call asking where I am or how far we are.

Actually it makes a lot of sense... it's like those people who live in giant mansions and have a huge car garage to show off their fancy cars. If you live downtown, there is no space for that, and parking the car in a public lot would be WAY too risky. This allows the owner to show off the cars like people living in