Even though I read Kotaku a couple times a day....I just , finally, bought gtaV for 360....
Even though I read Kotaku a couple times a day....I just , finally, bought gtaV for 360....
Yeah, I stopped at the coat hanger. Those are impossible to find. They had so many practical household uses. I miss them. I can’t find them anywhere locally.
Wow. I think they might have shit the bed on this one.
You’re Ok, right?
Never understood the appeal until I bought a used 900sturbo hatchback.
Usable for fpv on a drone?
Working for a SE asian electronics company...found an execs computer full of personally obtained upskirt photos. Over a thousand, easily.
I was unfamiliar with Grace. Seems extremely talented, interesting person.
Not to be some curmudgeon, but according to the ADA - subsection 508 and tied to the telecom Act, this is possibly illegal. Quite.
Can we talk about when Nissan bought up and factory restored a bunch of Datsun-era 240z’s and sold them with one year warranties?
I’ve had four. Two kind of awkward. Two extremely awesome.
Kings Quest. Loved ‘em. Played up through V
A back alley in Tijuana you say?
Tracker not in stock. There goes my one chanc to turn around my physical health.
Tracker not in stock. There goes my one chanc to turn around my physical health.
Independent of anything involving the accused director or his talent, Jezebel definitely ‘under reported’ it. If you were a trade publication or strict news site, it might be more permissable... But you’re Jezebel and it seems to go against a lot of what you purport to stand for.
Wow. Ninja level skills. Awesome!
Thx for this. Even if they can’t help us, hopefully we can help them, in the future. Much appreciated.
Thx, everyone.