
Thank u.

Meh. Gators are a risk, but no more so than the plethora of dogs in most suburban environments.

These are kids.

Small town ohio is where the Mob spent the summers, for years.


This is bad all around. But she (ZS), also, allowed that makeup and poor prothesis to be placed on her...and then to act in them.

Great piece.

By the power of Kara’s bow, this was a great list.

I read St. John in Boot and went to several of his MS blowouts (late 90's geek parties make wallstreet look tame).

Where is this gyrocopter clown car you speak of? Sounds interesting. ;-)

Love it. Take my money.

I actually think having an autonomous car rely on headlights makes no sense....fog, rain, zombie blood...all things to foul up optical only systems. Lasers and radiowaves make much more sense.

Lindsay Graham’s recent dgaf attitude is endearing. I’m starting to really like the little scamp andnot be so hard on SC.....

Awesome piece.

Kinda ripped off logo of next computers....

No, I’ll settle for close enough and not have to be a goat rapist. Not harmed or otherwise, the goat can’t consent.

I refuse to believe anyone could confuse Lena for Kat

I’d swear I just saw that car at a local flea market.

Uhm. How does one do this? Technically?

Introduced to him b/c of chozen, been following him since. Smart, fast and funny as hell. Little surrealistic sometimes too. Awesome.