
This will be an interesting piece of trivia when we actually download and print our daily drivers via some 3d printing process. Maybe not at home, but likely local...

I’m a stay at home husband. Faithful. But even with little respect for traditional gender roles, it’s relatively easy to get down on oneself for not contributing enough financially.... Or at least contributing a reasonable percentage of household income. Which I really don’t. This isn’t a reason to cheat.

What dogs are amazing at is detecting our emotions and reacting. Seems like that really helped you with that aggressive stranger.

I certainty think dogs are more intelligent than we think and intelligent in very different ways than us. They are also, largely, driven by instinct and training.

I love dogs, have 4 rescues, we foster and volunteer for animal causes.

When Maury had on fat babies, I’d always work from home those days.

Uh, Okay?

In the above comment the assaults I was referring to were the general discussion of sexual assaults and the response of colleges (in my second sentence). I never said the artist was or wasn’t assaulted.

Independent of my opinion, where do I say that she was assaulted? Read more carefully, please.

The medium is the message.

This is a man that has fought the ADA and resisted making his businesses be accessible to people with disabilities.... An ass...

I stutter, sometimes really terribly and the mixups can be insane. Especially at drivethru windows, ordering vegetarian.

How else should it be judged? I agree with some of your points above on engaging the viewer etc. But it’s certainly presented as art.

The dynamic of which you speak, in this situation, is what I think makes it largely fail as art. This isn’t some universal rule though.

Marshall McLuhan would have something to say here about the statement

Ugh. Several items I love thinkgeek for definitely won’t be supported by GameStop. No doubt. Boo!!!

Can’t believe I’m taking the time to write this:

I recently stood in front of an autozone and asked who had the 260z to the entire store.

I mourn the dearth of love hotels or even ‘theme rooms’ in the US.

Is he gonna apologize for working at the FRC?