
I’ve procured and closed after procurement. It can be hard to achieve a good cosmetic result in part because the body no longer heals, but I’ve never seen anything that would negatively affect a clothed open casket.

Well, nobody knows what the hell the 812 looks like yet, because manufacturers like Porsche and Ferrari refuse to release actual photographs of their cars anymore


What do you think “democracy” and “republic” mean?

This attitude has been the chief cause of the death of American democracy. Ours is a failed system because our citizens do not care about civics.

Hydrofluoric acid and everything don’t play nice together. Haven’t you seen Breaking Bad?

That’s not an actual match

False: walls, floor, ceiling, windows, doors appear to be present

Translation: don’t have any things

Sebastian Vettel

The idea wasn’t to pay off any debt. It was to bypass legal limits on borrowing authority for the Treasury. It is an obscure way to circumvent a set of arcane rules, like the world’s largest accounting trick.

Products: Pharmaceuticals

Hot taek:

Well you know what happens when you assume

He has an armored Volt?

I can’t get over how weird the comma placement is

They secretly double as Ishihara tests

So I’m curious too now, where can evidence be found of this name’s alleged Gaelic provenance? It seems structurally odd and I can’t find any example in a quick Google search of its use less than about 10 years ago.

So I’m curious too now, where can evidence be found of this name’s alleged Gaelic provenance? It seems structurally odd and I can’t find any example in a quick Google search of its use more than about 10 years ago.

Mr Torchinsky, I want to tell you a story.