
Is match fixing more common in esports that tend to pay less? One of the reasons soccer/football match fixing is more common in poor countries is low compensation for athletes, which makes the illicit offers more appealing.

I’m amazed you wrote that whole blurb about the Prius without making any mention of how utterly hideous it is. I can’t even look at a photo for more than 2 seconds without chuckling at its hilariously awkward appearance.

There’s a cabover, so it’s pretty fucking close

Everyone who considers cost is doing this wrong. I’m looking at you, Tavarish

Holy shit

I also chuckle in quiet terror every time Volvo issues a press release describing how they will annihilate Stuttgart, Ingolstadt, and Munich with nuclear bombs

I would totally bang energy independence

You can always Pop it

You must be new here

I would’ve guessed one of the red ones

I have two hands

As someone who thinks Taylor Swift probably gets more hate than she should, I found this video shockingly unwatchable.


This comment, while pithy, lacks context.


Are you sure that’s what he said? I think you are wrong

Terrible joke doesn’t even begin to describe how awful those puns were. Mad props because awful puns are life but also fuck you

A living or a killing?

Non-competes have been illegal in California since the 19th century.