
Also, if we disregard the unfounded association with human trafficking being made by the author here, sex work is a legitimate business

Because it’s funny when you see the trainer fall but then you’re like, oh shit, Kuechly probably has a serious head injury

I find it impossible to believe that a sport played by student-athletes who are receiving a legitimate and valuable college education could possibly be as well-executed, well-funded, and flush with money as college football and basketball are today.


You’re right, it’s not literally the only way, it is practically the only way. But the degree to which other routes are disadvantaged (especially for quarterbacks) is such that there is no serious alternative.

Maybe it wasn’t about the throat slash. Maybe McElwain just saw Taylor’s most recent Calculus grade. After all, these student athletes are in college to get an education first and foremost.

He’s not playing football so he can afford to go to college. He is going to college so that he can continue to play football.

If a starting football player at Notre Dame prioritized his studies over football and told his coaches that he is in college to get an education, not play sports, he would soon no longer be a football player at Notre Dame.

I’ve never understood why only the threat of violence constitutes leadership or pride.

My parents had a 2001 C-class for a while and it was shit

Fuck I really want to buy it

What do they have against commas?

The only issue here, I think, is your use of the term “lower your standards.”

I was thinking more of the 99% part.

You’re right. The Dred Scott decision was regarding the citizenship of non-whites, not their personhood.

Wait but seriously, why did she do it? I wonder if she was filming and it suddenly occurred to her, this would be so much more dramatic if one of them tripped and fell! And then she made it happen? It’s kind of an odd thing to do, even if you are a heartless, child-kicking racist.

I don’t think there’s any inherent value in forcing people to do something they clearly don’t want to do. For most people, driving is just such a thing.

I don’t know where you live, but your description of a daily commute seems…hyperbolic?