
I’m sure that because of such laws, that if a man applied to the team, he would have to be considered seriously for a position. But also, that man would be kind of a dick, because this team obviously is trying to do something useful, namely, to set a positive example for women in a field that has barely any.

There is one slight factor in her favor. Having her hands on the tire allows her feet to be at or below the level of her hands. While still very difficult, this position is somewhat easier than an L sit on solid ground, which requires the entire leg to be held at a higher angle (so the feet do not rest on the ground).


Man, I just don’t understand why you come across as so angry in all your posts. Who pissed in your coffee?

I can’t wait until they give a fuck

Jalopnik is car hipsters right? I mean all the signs are there

What does it have to do with government

Well, both. The McLaren guy is lucky he got out of the way, the Lotus guy didn’t get out of the way but he’s lucky too.

There’s actually nothing in the article about the gender of the driver

As long as most people drive because it is necessary rather than because they enjoy it, this kind of stepwise progression toward full automation is inevitable.

I dunno I just feel like the most striking qualities of driving a kart include twitchiness in all directions (abrupt acceleration and braking and absurdly quick steering). While a Miata is very agile compared to most road cars, I think there are better examples of kart-like behavior.

Karts also corner ridiculously flat, while the Miata does not

We have the immense privilege of first world squalor instead

In the distant past, contribution from all members of society was necessary for survival. As such necessity is increasingly obsolete, there is no reason why everyone should have to work simply to get by

Those men are shitheads

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Kawaii means cute