
Let's just call it the 109229 most common words in English

Heterogeneous is a accepted (and in scientific publication, preferred) alternate spelling, which accounts for the variation in pronunciation

I believe the of-ten pronunciation is a case of hypercorrection

Anyone who's ever attempted to photograph in a dark place has a great appreciation for the remarkable low-light sensitivity of the human eye. Sure, we lose some color discrimination, but we can see reasonably well in situations where a photograph would simply not expose.

You know some annoying people. But to be fair, gaining a sense of smug self satisfaction from not having a Facebook account is also pretty stupid.

Today I learned the brave men and women of our armed forces fought, bled, and died on the beaches of Normandy 70 years ago to defend us from

Any company that

I've never seen anyone claim BMW is obligated to do anything.

Dat rear overhang

As soon as I saw this the line "whoooooo neeeeeeeds a moooooovieeeeeee" popped into my head

I'm not actually sure what the best way is to seek that out.

There are definitely cognitive behavioral therapy programs targeted at symptoms like yours, which sounds like pretty typical situational anxiety. It's not at all uncommon.

I daresay former Spanish and French colonies vastly outnumber former French ones in Latin America


Bob Kelso!

Unfortunately I don't feel like any other part of this game pays any heed to that lore.

I believe that counts as an automatic firearm

If the real question is, "is the car driven like a manual or an automatic?" then the number of pedals should be the determining factor.

Hanlon's razor

The PDK-S can't money shift