It really just seems like a way to highlight mass consumerism.
It really just seems like a way to highlight mass consumerism.
By creative, they mean creative in the broadest sense. So not necessarily artists, but anyone with a high end service job. Research and development is counted under the creative class.
Wait, how did people really feel about Ronald Reagan?
I've never seen No Name pop before.
Does anyone else barely remember their dreams? You just wake up and it's like nothing happened? I remember one like once every couple of weeks, but other than that, nada.
Has it ever flown into your place?
Canada has a pirate party too.
Usually profs will allow students to hand in notes if they do not participate in the discussion to make up for the mark. Or at least that is how it's been in my experience.
No, I don't think so.
It's not discrimination.
Suicide is illegal. Preventing people from committing suicide is upholding the law. I'd rather people get treatment for their illness than allowing them to end their lives.
Don't be ridiculous, abortion isn't the same thing as suicide.
Why not ask Canada.
In Canada you can have a mental illness diagnosis and still get a gun license. You probably have to jump through some hoops, but it's possible. Personally, I think preventing people who are mentally ill from getting a firearm is helpful. I suffer from a mental illness and had I access to a gun, I'd probably be dead. I…
I thought the reason for prohibiting mentally ill people from purchasing firearms was to prevent suicide.
For the past week maybe. Check Man Boobz.
Well, the MRAs are asking people for things like these women's phone numbers or email addresses so they can harass them.
I doubt it. I'm about 5'6 and wear a size 6 shoe. It's as if I walk around on little pegs.
Yes! Well, I still currently go to Mac.