yamaha heads

the look on mitch “myrtle the turtle” mcconell’s face is too fucking good.

Yes, this is all about arrogance. I’m a big swinging dick in the financial markets, therefore this communications director gig should be easy! Won’t require any special education, experience, or skill. Hey, I’m telegenic, that’s all anyone will remember.

God, Mitch takes that big fat L right in his fucking face.

How fucking conceited and oblivious do you have to be to type that and hit SEND? Do white people have to insert themselves into everything?

Welcome to Trump’s America, snowflake.

Or how about, in the 1940's blacks start arming themselves.. so that by the 1950's lots of racial killings start happening - blacks killing whites, so that by the 1960's, there’s a full blown race war in the streets of america and by the 1970's shit has fully deteriorated and america is invaded by the brits again who

Why is this tornado warning running on ESPN? Tornadoes aren’t sports!

So did I. And no it wasn’t.

1) Tweets are tech.

It’s important for all Jalopnik readers to be continually reminded what a lying, immoral sack of excrement Trump is.

Quit virtue signalling.

Nope - they’re not equivalents. The surgery isn’t necessary.

Go fuck yourself directly off a cliff and never come back, thanks.

You believe the removal of LGBT rights aren’t an important issue? Ok then. That’s cool.

how exactly do you think this is garbage? its one of the better written articles hes done in a while. the facts check out. sounds to me like it set off your trigger

I fucking hate this man with every fiber of my being. He’s such a cowardly worm of a man, with no respect for anyone who doesn’t kiss his ass.

I am a big big fan of calling ugly men in power ugly. People have been so cruel to women for centuries, it is time for men to feel just as ugly as they are. That man is disgusting looking and he should live in a basement and never see the light of day.

I’ve cut out every member of my family who supported Trump, even my daughter’s grandparents. They haven’t seen her since before Christmas and are starting to get desperate. Too bad, motherfuckers. Elections have consequences.

“All they did was interfere with our election and other geopolitical conflicts. What’s the big deal?”

“Keep your friends close and your enemies closer”