yamaha heads

Yeah I am not holding back on Trump or his dumbass supporters. He doesn’t have any fucking policies, so that’s not what this is about. I don’t even pretend to give a shit about their “concerns”. Fuck them all. For the rest of time.

“Going high” helped get us in this mess. No more. Fuck these people.

Mrs. Obama has absolutely no time or candy for his orange bitch ass. Fuck you, Boehner, ya alcoholic crybaby!

Seriously, why are you concern trolling for this tremendous asshole?

That shit hasn’t worked. Time to show these fuckers we’ve been taking notes.

Fucking GOOD. Why are you looking out for this clown’s feelings?

Oh I’m sorry, I thought this was America

Just breathe, vote, imbibe. Repeat steps 1 and 3 indefinitely.

Let me take a crack at it: they’re really, reeeeeeally stupid.

Cut her the fuck out. I’m about to lop a couple branches off my tree of friends. Especially the Muslim redneck one who is voting for Trump and keeps sending me Clinton “memes”.

Man, I replied to the wrong comment. Come on.

You’re preaching to the choir, bub. Tell all the people I’ve been hearing from that!


I have a theory about that. They tried to get those idiots on conspiracy charges, but that whole fucking sad shitshow was just a disorganized, awful wreck from stem to stern.

Me neither.

I’ve taken to reminding these fuckheads that, if they do get their Glorius Revolushun off the ground, the Feds will roll up with three AH-64s and just lay a Biblical amount of waste to their dumb asses. It tends to shut them up.

Brian Stelter was the editor at the Towson Towerlight when I was a columnist there... totally OT, but I’m glad he’s doing well for himself.

People can’t understand that because they’re stupid. It is absolutely as simple as that. And no, not everyone who disagrees with me is stupid. These people are self-evidently, incontrovertably stupid.

My fist. A mouthy Trump supporter’s face. Repeat.

The Trumpies I’ve encountered online already seem perplexed at my willingness to get right down in it... from behind a screen. But if some dumbass Cletus gets mouthy in the parking lot of Walmart, so help me God I do not value my own life enough not to put ‘em up. Fuck these dumb assholes.