
Those funds were allocated to more important projects:

Ford Bronco, A true Wrangler Beater



CT6 What?

Ford Shelby GT. I would have loved to see a comeback.

Wow, look at all that late 1920s-early 1930s body armor Benny Friedman had to wear! I see...a leather helmet...kneepads...maybe thighpads...and a sweater.

I love when Brian Kenny freaks out about the expansion of the 500 club. He presents himself as a sabremetric wizard, but fails to see that the 500 club would have doubled in size anyway. Smaller ballparks (hi Mets), more teams/weaker pitching. Not to mention that he completely dismisses that Mays/Aaron amphetamines

“I still don’t see how the playcall was so terrible”

Plus, no team has ever had a punt formation where the “DB” lined up 15 yards behind the line of scrimmage, off to the punter’s right. This play was directly set up by the coach. I don’t have inside information, it’s just that there isn’t any other plausible explanation.