
Nick Cage should have been offered the roles of Ryan Hardy and Joe Carroll.

That scene and the one last week where he killed like 5 of the other dorks were the only two scenes I've enjoyed. More of that.

you have revealed far too much about yourself.

I just keep wondering how he was able to get so much unrestricted internet access in prison. Their IT guy at the prison must really suck.

I'm sure a power struggle between Joe and Rod will happen but I'm also sure Joe will emerge victorious. Of these 2 Sith lords Joe is the master and Roderick is the lowly apprentice.

Embrace how horrible this show is. If this show improves enough to be mediocre it will get cancelled. Right now people tune in to see how awful it is.

I hate to give this show any credit but I have come to enjoy how Ryan Hardy just slaughters the shit out of these dorks when he can get away with it. I think last episode had him killing 5 of them. I hope him killing them becomes a running gag.

It is if you enjoy bad fiction. If you are watching this show because you expect it will one day become good television then you're watching it wrong.

I'm the kind of person who wouldn't stick my neck out. At most I would call 911.

I enjoyed how lame the serial killer workshop was. Joe makes a shitty motivational speaker.

This thread is dumb and you should all feel that much dumber because of it.

No difference between the two at this point.

Jerry Gergich, Oren, Jean Ralphio and Perd Hapley move to Muncey and get their own show Sex in the Muncey..

To me Ron's love of bacon,eggs and steak never gets old. I too am fanatical about my breakfast foods.

I want at least 6 seasons. I'm usually fine with canceling a show after it's fifth season but Parks first season was so short and inconsistent with the later seasons that I want another one to make up for season 1.

books are on the internet…you'd be pissed too if your job was pointless.

bullshit…Leslie is perfect.

I enjoyed the one from Angel where Angel gets everything he wants including Cordy which gave him his happy moment that released Angelus.

You know how I can tell Cleveland Show is getting cancelled? They didn't put out the 3rd season on DVD on time. In fact you won't be able to find The Cleveland Show season 3 DVD in stores. But you can order it via Amazon and they will manufacture it on demand.

I think the crew knows the show is crap. But the show makes too much money to cancel it. So they plod along with episodes they know are awful and sure they feel bad about putting crap out there but their fat checks are enough that they've come to accept they are horrible people.