
But he's never indicated he is an only child. He has always indicated he came from a large family. Now we met them. The episode was awful  but I had no problem with the fact that the family was introduced. It was no more out of left field than meeting Jerry Gergeich's family.

Watch the episode where Ben and Leslie get married. Andy doesn't get the policeman job and is down in the dumps about it. Anne overhears Chris giving Andy a wonderful speech about not letting this defeat get him down and that together they were going to find a way to figure out Andy's next move. Anne saw what good

I don't know why I like him. He's just Tom cranked up to 11. Everything he says is utter nonsense. Yet watching how annoying he actually is in itself entertaining.


I never see him that way. I think Ron is awesome. As someone who works in local government I tend to put forth the same attitude of my local government and my output of work is as feeble as Ron's.

it does sound weird but that's clearly what it is.

I read a story a while back where that kinds of mirrors this plot. That actor from Speed 2 Jason Patric gave sperm to his ex-girlfriend Danielle Schreiber and they conceived a son. Jason was involved in the kids life and the couple eventually rekindled their romance. Then it went south and Jason Patric wanted joint

I do. That's why I voted this one last. The show has had horrible episodes…but none were this horrible.

I would have given it a shot IF it had Mose in it…but Schur is too busy with Parks and Rec. I also like Mose's brother Zeke because he plays Badger on Breaking Bad.

I wasn't bothered by it. I never assumed Dwight was an only child. I had always assumed he had siblings.

I used to like Oscar because he seemed level headed. But he became awful when he had that affair with Angela's husband (the father of her kid). I hate Angela but I think she should have come to work and shot Oscar. He was fucking with her personal life and felt no remorse. This was a guy she worked with for 12 years.

I loved how they lamp shaded that on Frasier. I think Sam or Woody came to visit and mentions that Frasier told them his father was dead and he never mentioned he had a brother which Frasier blames on some juvenile spat he had with his brother at the time.

The reason that Parks and Rec has what limited success it has earned is because the show's writers gets its characters and what makes them funny. It can be scmaltzy and still be true to its characters.

This was (to borrow a word from Chris Traeger) LITERALLY the worst episode in the entire 9 year run.

This episode gets a B and the guy who reviews Girls always seems to give A's. The AV club writers reside in Bizarro world.

I'm pretty sure Oscar is definitely a CPA, Angela most likely is and Kevin is almost certainly not a CPA.

Dwight's sister must have went to the same finishing school for boring people that Pam did.

Mathematically they had to make a correct call eventually.

1. I don't always pay attention but was this the first time Mose spoke on the show?
2. I thought this episode was the worst episode the Office has ever done. I can see why the pilot didn't get picked up. There's certain aspects of Dwight I enjoy and others I don't. I've never cared about his stories about his odd

For some reason this reminds me of a story about a friend of mine from High School. He's butt ugly ,shrimpy  and was always the target of bullies but his twin sister is fine as hell and was a total slut in high school and the guys we went to High School with would always come up to my friend and brag about how they