
I like to think they're not gay but are just very fashionable. I admit I was sort of amused last season at the thought of Wynn who is probably homophobic working with Quarles who had the eccentric habit of tying up male prostitutes and there's Wynn trying to be professional while clearly weirded out.

Season 2 has Joe serving as consultant with the FBI to track down his group. Season 3 has Joe as a fugitive.

the thing I love about Banshee is it has all these weird elements thrown in like asian tranny cyber hacker, former Amish crimelord, Ukrainian Mobster, retired black boxer, ridiculously young mayor and a ex con turned sheriff and makes a ridiculous plot incorporating all these elements that seem to have nothing in

You have to imagine that the FBI is only as good as the GBI and then the show works.

That and they would end up like Charlie.

Six seasons and a movie

I thought it was stupid that he wanted to have the information that could get the girl killed and him killed for having it. Once they start chopping off fingers and testicles you'll be talking Mike.

Raylan Givens wouldn't put up with this shit.

I hope not. I always assume black characters are too genre savvy and sassy to fall into the traps of their white counterparts.

I get the vibe Joe is bored senseless being the leader. He just wants to have fun and kill people and leading this group of idiot followers isn't something he wants to do. He needed these tools to get him out of jail and now he can't get rid of them because they're clingy.

That conversation with Joe and his son is how I imagine Niles Cranes would react to finding out he had a bastard son.

Maybe they confused cyanide with rabies.

His middle name was Emerson…so insert tired Ben Linus joke somewhere.

for every murder you commit joe either gives you a blowjob or he eats you out and you get a nice Eat At Joe's t-shirt.

I'm starting to wonder if this show is some sort of experiment to see how long bad television can stay on the air. Every episode is a new type of shitty.

That would make a better episode of Pinky and the Brain.

Charlie was gay for death

Yeah I think Joe would be more effective as a martyr who died for the cause rather than an actual leader of anything

Have you ever murdered one for them? Sometimes you have to make the first move.

You know this might be one of those shows where I actually agree with the Parents Television Council. I usually enjoy my carnage candy as much as the next guy but this show is just in bad taste.