My Alien boxset disagrees with you
My Alien boxset disagrees with you
I would also nominate Cordelia. Cordelia's journey from high school mean girl to You're Welcome was impressive.
I loved the Ferengi. I loved Quark. I loved Rom. I loved Nog. I loved Zeke , Ishka, Brunt, Gaila and the rest.
I indifferented that episode
eh…I liked a lot of Lost episodes but not in the last season.
You have to enjoy it for reveling in its own awfulness. If you can't enjoy an awful show then you can't enjoy this one.
Yeah he was Behrooz's dad…whatever happened to Behrooz…it's like they dropped whatever happened to him
This show is bad…but it's one of those shows that is so bad that it is amusing to watch. That lawyer had red shirt written all over her.
Adam lost my support when he peed on Hannah without her consent…pee rape is no joke
Oh then you'll love next week
He could have been like my biological grandfather…my grandfather was a crazy man who lived in a shack in the woods without running water or power for most of the year but around winter time he would walk to the nearest town for supplies and then bring them back to his shack.
Walkers want fresh meat…zombie meat and blood are spoiled and do not taste as good
I personally like to think that Michonne was banging her boyfriend's best friend as well and there was this big love triangle between the 3 of them, she could never make up her mind and then she just decided to keep both of them after they turned zombies. Why else hang onto the guy's best friend…she was so taping that…
and meth heads…
I like to imagine that the black people have banded together and built a wonderful utopia in upstate Georgia and Rick has yet to stumble upon it.
He did die because of racism. Michonne drove the car! Racism!
I assume Michonne will behead Sasha next episode and claim her power.
well I did like Lori's death…but aside from that and the Pilot it was better than everything else
@avclub-152d284f09f019baf5bd08e6f41dd2d4:disqus oddly enough I now find myself wondering what has happened to the papacy in the zombie apocalypse. If the Pope becomes a zombie does that mean the heir to St. Peter is a zombie and is infallible or does a Cardinal get declared the new pope?
I thought Dale was awesome.