
I would guess that in this case it may not be entirely an issue of sexism. The spelling of women/woman is sort of phonetically misleading, because it’s actually the vowel in the first syllable that changes, rather than the pluralizing second syllable. The o in woman is usually pronounced as a sort of “ou” sound - like

Sure, I feel you. To each their own, but I will stick with my fleece lined leggings, which are warm AND stretchy. Not saying going without is the end of the world - just mourning the fact that people make such a big deal out of propriety at the expense of comfort. And I do feel that a lot of it is just sexism and

Yes, thank you! Thank you so much! All of the thanks I could possibly thank you!

Everyone needs to stop freaking out about leggings, right now. They are comfortable, generally breathable, allow for the full range of movement, and they’re frankly the most honest full-coverage clothing. I like leggings. I like seeing thin people in leggings, and soft people in leggings, and fat people in leggings,

This was pretty effective for me, though I am the choir, in this case..

Do you think part of it is just simple schadenfreude? Like, “thank god my life is not that dramatic/difficult/farcical/______? I’ve always imagine that’s kind of how tabloids function too: “thank god these tragically beautiful people are so fucked up; I’m well-adjusted in comparison.”

If people want to self-identify, that’s fine. I just find it strange when one class of people uses a generalized and derogatory stereotype to dismiss another - especially if that class calling names constantly pats itself on the back for its tolerance and inclusivity. My dad grew up in West Virginia, and when he moved

I was not expecting this to strike such a chord! I grew up in Germany and California. In the former, people essentially view all Americans as ignorant bigots, and in the latter there’s a lot of under-addressed classism amongst the liberal middle and upper class (in which I was raised). It strikes me as really backward

While I do find these kind of shows difficult to watch in general - bad premise, bad practice, bad product - I also find this kind of language to be sort of problematic, too. “White trash” and “Redneck” are synonyms for low-income, working class whites who are often marginalized by their own wider communities. The use

I dealt with anorexia and then later bulimia during my teens, and my disordered eating definitely started with orthorexia. It was complicated by actual food allergies. My anorexia started when I began an elimination diet for chronic, debilitating migraines - which were also linked to my menstrual cycle. I did the

Also, women may be consuming porn in formats all these studies don’t recognize. A lot of ladies prefer written porn to video porn (does the research factor romance novels, fanfiction, and erotic tumblr accounts into the equation?)

Have you and your partner had a frank discussion about both your needs/desires?

I’ve always considered myself to be a pretty sexually driven person, but there are plenty of reasons not to have sex, and even those of us who spend most of their time horny will go through periods of deliberate celibacy:

My partner and I have been re-watching Star TreK: Voyager in the last while (it had its series finale while I was in middle school. I had been watching Star Trek in its various forms since I was very small. He binge-watched it in highschool, years later).

I know some of the folks who are still missing, and more are friends of friends. I’m living out of town these days, and when I found out I was texting and calling to make sure folks were okay. It wasn’t really my crowd, but a lot of folks I know are frantically searching for friends and loved ones.