
Sebastian Shaw wrote poetry? Hmm, makes me wonder what kind of poetry Hayden Christensen could muster...

@redqueenmeg: While I too liked Robin Curtis, Alley was more of a sexual foil for the cast, as creepy as it sounds, that was a part of her role. Curtis was asexual to me, even in her pon farr ritual with Spock on Genesis.

It's women like these that drove Spock and Kirk into each other's arms!

@IGPNicki: Biehn looked old when he was young! I challenge Anton Yelchin to make up all that masculine ground within the next 7-8 years (which will put him around the age Biehn was when they shot Terminator). Old man Biehn... yikes.

@IGPNicki: I thought Leo DiCaprio was the leading candidate for Parker at some point.

Yikes that was a steamy love scene. Cameron is set to put Danielle Steel out of business. Oy, that's so disturbing to consider...

@BrendCh06: I think the morose, joyless character Cruise played in Minority Report would have fit Bale's demeanor perfectly! Cruise didn't smile once in that entire movie- that's Balerific in my book.

@Lassus: The Fountain is blissful detachment from cinema "reality" for me— it's the kind of sci-fi George Lucas might have gone onto make had "Star Wars" never happened- like THX-1138. It will gain its cult following in the coming years, I predict.

If Minority Report starred Christian Bale and was directed by Christopher Nolan, I think we'd be treating it with a lot more attention... as it would likely be a much better movie!

@Lassus: I agree that the story in Minority Report was nothing great, but the futurist stuff was compelling. So, maybe it's a half-good SF movie? But I truly love the aesthetics in that film.

Children of Men, Sunshine, The Fountain, Minority Report, Artificial Intelligence, Equilibrium... heck even Space Cowboys makes my list. Yay lists!

@crashedpc - Haifisch: It's hard to be certain if this is an SNL skit, as I did not laugh at this either...

@Bill-Lee: I think it's a wee bit premature to say what "Avatar" wants to do with CGI- I am not expecting my mind to be blown, but I'm going to reserve judgment on Cameron's blades of grass obsession until next Thursday at midnight, when I'll be wearing 3-D glasses over my regular specs, soaking in the experience.

I suppose the issue here is style over substance. When a filmmaker is more concerned with blades of grass over the plot/characters, yes- that's an error by the director.

@Barnabus: "Jack.... you're my number one.... guh-eye!" Tim Burton's genius at snagging Palance gets him a lifetime pass with me.

You know, Superman looks a little like Nicholas Cage in that picture... and I'm seeing a hairpiece on the Man of Steel. Anyone else seeing this?