
Do you think that Imara draining Silas's blood means that maybe them and their doppelgängers aren't really this epic love after all?

I feel bad for Kalinda if they never reconcile because her relationship with Alicia helped flesh out her character, and not in a shitty ex husband ice cream sundae way.

Why did Carrie hide an unused pregnancy test in another wrapper if she's just going to keep a drawer full of positive ones lying around?

Warren is a treasure.

There were so many great moments in this episode. One, that I don't think anyone has mentioned yet, is when Diane tells Will that Cary and Alicia are leaving and planning on taking their clients and he's in a daze for a few moments and says, "just Cary though right?' as if it's not even a possibility that Alicia would

You're right and it really isn't a gripe of mine that he's not meeting her in New York, I guess I just assumed they were 'destined' to meet in New York from episodes like Lucky Penny.

It is funny how the first few seasons telegraphed how important it was for Ted to stay in New York because that's the only way he would have met the kids mother, when they're meeting in Farhampton.

Ghostbusters, purely for the 'who you gonna call?'

I kind of thought that Hank wanted it to lead to a confrontation. Walt had the gall to make meth and kill right under his nose, and even gave insight into his cases. Hank's raging mad but even though he was rifling through all the evidence and put a tracker on Walt's car, I don't think he was necessarily saying, "I'm

I really liked how Walt was shot in the cold open looking through the window/glass door and his reflection was in the glass but kind of in shadow, his reflection looked like Heisenberg as opposed to Walt with hair.

I hate all songs that try to be empowering, Firework, Beautiful, Born this Way and how their videos are lit like the OC when Ryan was in Chino.

I do think they had the right balance of all those things you said in the first couple of seasons but now it has devolved into insanity where no one knows why they do anything any more.

I wonder if Rusty will pass this information on to Brock in the next season.

I don't think she did kill the nurse, the lawyer said you shot someone in broad daylight, not that she killed her.

I think it was kind of shitty because he was already getting back at her by dodging her calls and then he got to exploit her situation further by sharing her initial first impressions of people which could make her life all the more difficult. I think it was one thing to be hurt and not talk to her but he stole her

I think he had a shower after Peggy said, "You should go".

I think it was important for him to tell the truth about himself to people it matters to, his kids, and to people it doesn't concern, his clients. His small levels of honesty in the past have usually been to people he's had a sexual relationship with. In this episode, his candour  with his family, coworkers and

Didn't one of the stoners say to Don, "are you the guy who came in the taxi?" or something to that effect. I thought it might have been a funny capper that they refused to get in Harry's car and would prefer to take a taxi instead.

I don't think she could be described as a shrew in this episode and I think it's a little unfair to convey her as one. However, I did not like her reaction to Tyrion calling Sansa beautiful, a couple of episodes back because it didn't seem like real jealousy, kind of high school bullshit which I don't believe the Shae

The finale should be a man on his knees with a bag over his head. Josh Radnor points a gun towards the man before removing the bag and revealing Bob Saget.