
I really enjoyed The Hunger Games but I have to say I was less impressed with the sequels, particularly Mockingjay. Having your narrator pass out in the action over and over again is tiresome, and what's worse is that it could have been fixed with some editing rather than a rewrite. I rarely if ever think this but I

The bit in Hannibal where he fries up part of Ray Liotta's brain and feeds it to him made me feel queasy.

I think Dave might be my favourite character, he's kind of the Britta of the group.

Has anyone noticed that Jack's been blue steeling a hell of a lot lately?

I also found McBrayer's voice to be distracting, I don't think it was so much so because of being so familiar with Kenneth, but I don't think the look of his animated character matched with his voice. I know it sounds weird to say about a cartoon, but I felt like I was watching a dubbed foreign movie when he was

They really need to make the fairytale land seem more of a happily ever after, they seem just as miserable there as they do in Storybrooke (writing the town's name for the first time has made me die a little inside). There doesn't seem to be a reason for them to get back there/remember their memories, it's just like a

I don't think it would necessarily seem insightful to realise that someone telling you that they had an enormous penis disease was a pickup line.