
According to “the root” all music was created by black people and if you make any music and are white then you are just cultural appropriating.

What about punk music?

BREAKING: You’re butthurt over something that doesnt even matter.

FYI black people did not create every form of american music. Get out of here with that biased shit. Punk music was definitely not a product of black people.

She already did two pornos a while back anyways. Might as well go full porn star now since she has zero marketable skills and is slowy fading away from being teen mom famous.

You dont think they checked every inch of that set for stray glass and needles?

puns are no fun

What game patch is 75GB? That sounds like a full game?

its bestiality, not romantic. what the fuck.

Thats just how feminist think. without logic.

Sounds like you just pick really shitty guys. So because you had a few bad men, all men are like that? isnt that the same thing as profiling a race because someone of a certain race did a bad thing, so that must mean everyone of that race is like that?

No, youre retarded and very jaded if you think all men think this is how you have sex. Probably the reason why you havent had sex in years.

wouldn’t that just cause pre-detonation and cause the car to run real shitty?

Dragonball tattoos are so cringe. im sure that will look real cool when hes 70 and has to explain that his whole body is covered in an 1990's cartoon.


Except his is the writer of this article and is correcting someone who is trying to correct him with the use of the word myriad.

Getting DQ’ed because they used the buggy ass game to their advantage is lame as fuck. They used what they had in the game and didnt use any external program, its not their fault the game is made poorly.

Why? Because you dont like it?

And? Still doesn’t excuse him drop carelessly dropping it and dropping it on a dog. could have easily set it down softly and would have only added like 2 more seconds to the delivery.

It suffered a brain aneurysm and died.