The tiger is dead.
The tiger is dead.
So your saying if someone is white they should stop trying to succeed so other races can? Thats a load of BS lol, wasnt our previous president black and beating out a bunch of white people from office twice? White privilege is a made up term from people that are not succeeding at life and cannot accept the fact that…
What does he skin color have anything to do with it? Nice job on keeping racism alive and well!
im tired of seeing lame ass comic book movies but you dont see me crying.
quit sexualizing men and giving them unrealistic views on what the male body should look like.
mad because true?
I live in south tx, am white. and i think the confederate flag is retarded. 1) it stands for a side that was pro slavery and very racist and 2) its a losing side, why fly a losers flag?
And i dont think you understand how big BTC is. Its worldwide, the US Government cannot stop it.
Stop saying shizzle, it isnt 2004 anymore.
But then it would take away from her “all white people are racist and hate black people” agenda.
haha yeah fuck people that have to work at Mcdonalds just to make ends meet!
screw people that exploit their kids for viral attention on facebook. Also the kid probably got bullied because he was being a racists cunt at school because he is brainwashed by his parents.
Yeah, now the kid will for sure get picked on big time. This kid is fucked. He will have to be home schooled now.
people that want to exploit their kids for free shit. Look at all the shitheads that get their kids on ellen.’re reading them now?
Ive never seen Mad Men, watched one episode of breaking bad then stopped. But i continue to watch TWD.
despite how random and buggy this game is, you’re going to have a blast.
i dont have u2 on my phone....
Someone already tried that and it didnt work.
What is that even supposed to mean? i own my phone, i paid for it. So who cares if i cant put a custom font or keyboard. It still does everything i need my phone to do. call,text,browse the web and apps.