Im on a limited budget and it has opened up my eyes with the underrated, high quality range of spirits.
Im on a limited budget and it has opened up my eyes with the underrated, high quality range of spirits.
i love a good, spicy blanco. there are some incredibly good and drinkable bottles under $25. Camarena, Espolon, Corazon all come to mind
If you had a sports news site, they’d have posted an article about how we all heard—and got over—the walgreens curly W joke 14 years ago. And the Expos jokes. The proper jokes today are about Bryce and all the fun Harper 34 shirt mods.
Anyway, if you do find a new sporty news site, please share. The current state of…
I have no idea. And gentrification is a monster of a topic. But I can tell you many of our SE (capitol hill) neighbors had lived there for a long time and were sitting on gold mine real estate.
Bruh, SE DC is where you raise your kids now. I lived there and had season tickets to the nats at RFK and we walked to the games. Even in 2006 there were only a few hookers left. They’re all gone now.
OK. Tape your legs! (I have a bar at home with barely any knurl and no intention of competing... but again, i don’t have this issue so i’m just ramblin. carry on deadlifters)
Couldn’t you just tape the bar just inside your grip?
lifehacker does life hacks now?
If it comes to Stadia, that along with Borderlands 3 will spur me into being a gamer again. Against my better judgement.
Perhaps we have different chili methods, but my (really... did i accidentally type pants?) PANS are virtually spotless after making chili. I attribute this to a deglazing of fond using the onions and other vegetables prior to the simmer/pressure cook/whatever. And the subsequent addition of liquid (beer) on top of…
Perhaps we have different chili methods, but my (really... did i accidentally type pants?) PANS are virtually…
At least the intercooler isn’t water to air, ha ha! that’s like 37 less crispy rubber hoses and seals you don’t have to worry about!
Ok We all loved our doc martens in 1992, but that loafer... it would make an unstylish grandpa self-conscious.
Ok We all loved our doc martens in 1992, but that loafer... it would make an unstylish grandpa self-conscious.
Icame here all grumpy that I just bought this a few months ago... then I checked and saw I only paid 2 bucks more.
Icame here all grumpy that I just bought this a few months ago... then I checked and saw I only paid 2 bucks more.
freeze tablespoons in your ice tray
It's one of those universal guaranteed to be eaten breakfasts here. you can scale it easily. maybe they like a cold version of oatmeal?
oops, left something important out, didn’t I.
I made my kids overnight oats last night for this morning. It really REALLY cuts down on the screaming toddler tantrums.