
Do you know why the Xbox One/PS4 are better than the Wii U? Third party support. drops the mic on the floor.

Thor's hammer? What blasphemy! it's Mjolnir!

I have zero sympathy for people like this. It's a slap in the face to those who went through all the steps and came into the US legally as I did and the rest of my parents, siblings and immediate family members.

I run it on ultra with tressFX off, haven't had issues with tesselation on my gtx 570.

He looks like nick kroll

Does it matter? It's the principle.

It's not in the regular map rotation.

It's not in the regular rotation.

Meoww @ Catwoman..

Wider viewing angles? No thanks. That's just what I want. More people than what I already get, looking over my shoulder and being able to see what I'm doing on it.

Your godlike mane will be missed.

The Netflix interface isn't bad, you want bad, try hulu. Used to display recently aired videos on the main page, now it's all a mess with content hidden in different menus.

Recently upgraded my PC so I can play BF3 on High/Ultra. Looks like I'm set.

Tell me about it. Back when I had my older job, I couldn't afford a lot of games so I made sure that 60 bucks I spent would be for a good gaming experience that I could play for a lot of hours. Now that I have a way better job I can pretty pick any amount of games I want whenever but I now have less time to play since

I was 15 and on my way to high school. Saw the towers collapse with my own eyes since my school was on a hill in Brooklyn and could easily see lower manhattan from its upper floors.

I prefer AVplayerHD.

awesome. I live in Sunset Park. My guess is that it will be along 8th Avenue in Brooklyn's own chinatown.

Mostly used by Nuyoricans in NYC.

Spanish slang word.