
Cool video but ugh, I can't stand his lisp.

@RockyRan: I don't know where you shop but every GOTY I've seen releases at the normal $60 dollar tag and then drops down in price as the time passes by.


I got my invitation earlier today. I was surprised. Can't wait to download it. :) Anyone have an idea how long the beta will last?

This happened to me today. Retweeted some shit from some idiot called matsta.

I call bullshit. If anything, I find it that "violent games" help me relax and reduce any chance of real world outburst, IE: Cursing someone out if I'm in a bad mood, etc..etc..

@Archaotic: Am I reading this correctly? You're using Xbox Live's superior online capabilities as a con for this game going multiplatform?

@goofygamerboy88: You're letting your fanboyism for the game affect your vision if you honestly believe that.

Funny how he tried to use it lol

So basically, you're playing guitar tabs on a toy guitar?


"Dear Crecente and Totilo with your free copies of Halo Reach sitting at home. Bite me. Love, Fahey" hahahah

Gave $10 bucks. I know it ain't much but I'm certain his family needs it more than what I would have spent it on (junk food, etc.).

I'd hit it with mah Wiimote, giggity giggity allllrightt.

Considering I got bored and frustrated before I even got passed the 30 hour tutorial, I don't think I will be needing any DLC any time soon.