
@KingHippo: Yes, Online on a bullshit "friend code" system. Fuck that. I want to play this with my friends on PSN or XBL.

@CaptJapan: Who gives a shit about the Wii? I know I don't.

Dear Peter Moore:

Red Dead Redemption and possibly 3D Dot Game Heroes.

Tali & Grunt = Epic win, Illusive man? eh, pass. Commander Sheppard? Pass as well, costume was nice but talk about looking awkward.

$9 to wear a shirt with an N-Gage on it? no thanks.

Have fun! Don't drink the water and if someone asks you about a donkey show, run!

Got myself a code from EA but the website is so slow. It's probably faster to watch paint dry or grass grow than the response time of the EA servers.

Dammit! I just had 400 MS Points laying around that I ended up spending on some Avatar stuff cause I had some left over from buying the MW2 map pack. :(

Lil' Wayne sounds and plays better than this guy and that's considering how much Lil' Wayne sucks at it.

Train Operator or Locomotive Engineer but not Train Conductor. Conductors may be in charge of the trains but they certainly do not operate them.

When I return, rejuvenated, revitalized, I will unleash the full force and fury of Valhalla itself upon those man who dare tarnish the name of Thor, son of Odin!

@Al Bundy: Is that you Al Pundy? :p

It's so reaalllllll.

@theGreenCabbage: I was referring to reading while taking a crapper not taking a crap with boxers on :p

Nothing wrong with the picture in the article. Doesn't everyone read something while in the crapper? Most of my reading gets done while I'm in the crapper.

Ha! You wouldn't imagine. I still am working on games from years ago.

Only commies use the Metric system. :p